721 Rebooting


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 29, 2003
Aloha, Oregon
In the last two weeks my 721 has rebooted itself for no apparent reason while watching a program. The most recent event was while watching a show delayed by about 15 minutes (using the buffer). Has anyone else had this experience? Is there a fix?
shadowman11 said:
In the last two weeks my 721 has rebooted itself for no apparent reason while watching a program. The most recent event was while watching a show delayed by about 15 minutes (using the buffer). Has anyone else had this experience? Is there a fix?
I still notice a ton of reboots with NHL Center ICE and the 721. If you record a hockey game and have PIP enabled with a second game on, you'll likely experience some real trouble when changing channels to another hockey game at its conclusion as it seems to be overwhelmed all too easily. With the lengthy time it takes to reboot itself you can miss a lot of exciting action (just about an entire five minute overtime) while its trying to recover itself. Still kind of annoyed with the ongoing guide issues where you go in to see what channels the games are on sometimes and the guide doesn't properly recognize you are subscribed to Center Ice. Instead it goes straight to the first channel in the NBA Full Court package. Hope this is fixed with the next software revision.

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