Any "Pre-Orders" Get Their 811 Yet?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 26, 2003
I was just curious to find out if anyone who called to get in on the 811 deal for existing customers has gotten it yet. If so, when did you get put on the pre-order list, and how long did it take to get your 811?

When I called, I was told it was taking about 4-6 weeks before you could place your order. Well, it's been about 3 for me, and needless to say, I'm anxious to receive it (even with the problems people have been reporting).

Here are my details:

01/23/2004 - Put on pre-order list
??/??/???? - Ordered 811
??/??/???? - Received 811

Thanks for any updates anyone can offer!
aperry said:
I was just curious to find out if anyone who called to get in on the 811 deal for existing customers has gotten it yet. If so, when did you get put on the pre-order list, and how long did it take to get your 811?

When I called, I was told it was taking about 4-6 weeks before you could place your order. Well, it's been about 3 for me, and needless to say, I'm anxious to receive it (even with the problems people have been reporting).

Here are my details:

01/23/2004 - Put on pre-order list
??/??/???? - Ordered 811
??/??/???? - Received 811

Thanks for any updates anyone can offer!
I got on the list 1/16/04
and I'm still waiting to hear back from E*about when I can order one.I wish
they would hurry up,but at least I still have my 6000 til then.Who knows maybe they'll fix some of the problems by then. ;)
I signed up on the list on 1/7/04, still waiting. Of course this is after several phone calls in December only to hear...."call back in 1 week"
I called on the 1/5, was told to call back on the 1/9 and put on the 811 list then. About 2 weeks ago someone from Dish called and left a message. When I returned the call they said they could see I was called but not what it was for. The CSR I talked to said I would just have to wait for another call. 2 weeks later still waiting....
I ordered my 811 when the $150 for existing customers first became available.
After 4 or 5 reschedules I got mine today. (2-14-04).
Got the 811, 2 dp34 switches, legacy adaptor for my 6000, and 3 dishpro lnbfs.
Now have 921 (didn't have it when I ordered the 811), 811, 508, and 6000.
right now the 921 is recording 2 shows, the 508 is recording another. When will I ever get the time to watch it all.
aperry said:
I was just curious to find out if anyone who called to get in on the 811 deal for existing customers has gotten it yet. If so, when did you get put on the pre-order list, and how long did it take to get your 811?

When I called, I was told it was taking about 4-6 weeks before you could place your order. Well, it's been about 3 for me, and needless to say, I'm anxious to receive it (even with the problems people have been reporting).

Well.............**deep breath** :eek:

I called in my pre-order on 1/9 the first day it was available, and they originally told me 2 weeks....yea right. :no I called back a few times only to be told they are not in stock, apparently the local installers don't even know you have a pre-order until Dish's main office sends them some receivers along with your work order.

Well last Monday I had a bad day at work and came home with an attitude. I decided to call Dish and get to the bottom of this 811 debacle....

I first got a CSR that apologized over and over about the 2 week misunderstanding and said it is actually 4-6 weeks, I said "OK, its now 5 weeks so I can expect a call within the next week????" He said not necessarily... oh, FFS. I then asked to be forwarded to the Exe. office...his supervisor got on and tried to talk me out of it and I was persistent and insisted.

Keep in mind that I just got my mother-in-law plus 2 others signed up 3 weeks ago to dish and the local installers said that they have plenty of 811 at their shop. Obviously, the main office does not know what the local installers have in stock, they are just going on what they send them....keep this in mind.

Well, I told the main exe. office I'm going to call the local installer, then I said wait...."do you have the local offices number", she said yes....OK, I said you call which she agreed.

***4 Minute pause on hold listening to irritating music**** She come back on and says you are scheduled for the install of you 811 receiver for next Wednesday. :rolleyes: I knew it.

Then we argued about the price of the upgrade for existing customers with DHP. Don't let them tell your its $200 or $150, its $99 PERIOD.

If they give you any crap about the price, just call up any csr and ask them what the price is for an upgrade to an 811 for existing customers with DHP. After they tell you $99, just tell them to add that footnote to your account.

Sorry about the longwinded rant, but I have been waiting for this since last September....I just hope the add more HD channels soon.

Hope this helps someone.

Wait, does that mean that any kind of 811 upgrade requires DHP? Or is it available to all existing customers? My CSR did not say you had to be a DHP customer...
811 wait list

I called E* in early December to order the 811. I was told non available.

On 1/9/04 when I called I was put on the famous waiting list and told same as others "3-4 weeks".

I have called many times since, each time get same answer "3-4 weeks"

As stated before the process is, Work Order issued by a central "hub" to local installer, installer is issued the 811 and proceeds with instal. Installer can do nothing without "work order".

Many retailers do have product in stock if you want to purchase for $399.

I have question each htime why not just send 811 to me via UPS. It seems wasteful for E* to pay someone to deliver and "instal". All that is involved in my "instal" is cable connection and autorization.

I also learned that the "installer" for me is about 3.5 hours away (one way), makes even less sense to expect an installer to drive 7 hours to just 'deliver' the 811. When I finally got this installer's number and called them, they told me they forward the work order to another installer who is only 3 hours away (one way) !!

Go figure. Basically same story. None available except for those first timers, HDTV in a box and some retailers at full price.

Regarding price, I am under impression that MY price will be the $149 deal. I have been a sub for over a year with 3 receivers and AT160.

Hope this helps.

I have read most reports of 811 performance and do have some concern. My biggest concern is PQ on standard Dish channels as compared to the 301. The 301 works very well with my Sony 34XBR910.

Well I did finally get my 811 installed in the date they were supposed to install it.

Except for a few minor Guide issues, I have had no problems.

The Picture is FANTASTIC on the HD and OTA channels!!! :shocked I am very impressed with the picture.

Now I have to figure out what kind of OTA antenna I should get, just using a $50 cheapo from Shyster Shack.

aperry, I'm not sure if the upgrade requires you to have the DHP. You may want to call them and double check.
Don't you guys read any of the posts in these forums????
People who email and bitch and threaten to leave E* get return calls quickly and arrange to get their 811 within days. This has been going on for over a week.
Read, read, read OR wait, wait, wait :D:D:D
Thats a sad state of affairs. I was a brand new customer and I had my 811 in 7 days after I called. Seems like DISH's support of existing customers is lacking some serious punch.

Perhaps they have two different management chains that need to talk? (New Sub's support vs. Existing Subs support)

Being an existing customer, I am not happy with being lower on the food chain so to speak.... I can understand E* reason for doing it though, they have already made their initial investment in me as a customer when they gave me my free DVR and 3 301's.

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