811/301/301 vs 811/522 Lease Question


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Dec 3, 2003
Helping out a friend who is considering a dish lease and want to tell him correct info.

I know that a 811/301/301 lease would have 2 extra outlet charges for about $10.

But which is correct for a 811/522 lease (assuming phoneline connection)?

$5 dvr fee for 522
$5 extra outlet fee for 522 (first tuner only, second tuner fee waived with phoneline connection)


just a $5 dvr fee, and both 522 extra outlet charges waived with phoneline connection

In other words, is the fee that is waived with phoneline connection the SECOND 522 tuner or BOTH 522 tuners?

Its hard to believe that 811/522 lease would be $5 cheaper per month than a 811/301/301 lease.

if the phone line is connected to the 522

811-no charge
522 (1st tuner)-4.99
522 (2nd tuner)-no charge
DVR fee-4.98
Iceberg said:
if the phone line is connected to the 522

811-no charge
522 (1st tuner)-4.99
522 (2nd tuner)-no charge
DVR fee-4.98

Close the 522 is $5.00(lease fee not duplication fee) so the lease of the 522 would be .02 cheaper than leasing 2 311's. The 301 has been replaced by the 311(more memory). Doing a Free Dish promotion would be a better promotion than the DHA after the 1 yr. contract you would own the equipment. With the $4.99 duplication fee the monthly fee would be the same. With DHA or Free Dish the DHPP service plan would reduce the $99 service call labor rate to $29.99 and the equipment is replaced under either promotion with Digital Home Protection Plan (DHPP) $5.99/Mo. http://www.dishnetwork.com/content/products/warranty/index.shtml
Actually, the 311 is not usually installed with Leased customers, the 301
Remanufactured units are.

811/3xx/3xx = $10 HD Pack, 2 additional outlet fee's.

811/522 = $10 HD Pack, 1 additional outlet fee, 1 DVR fee, 1 additional tuner fee(waived if phone line is connected.

Can I use a 3X4 multiswitch to add a 3rd reciever?

Need a thread for DVR 942?

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