811 and DVD Recorder?

I have a Panny E-80. I was never able to get the 811 to turn on the recorder. I don't think it can be done.
You have to leave the recorder on. The 811 is supposed to turn on, start the recording and stop it. Or, at least it will when they get the timer bug fixed.

Right now I have to use the timer on my VCR and leave the 811 set on the channel I want to record. For now, you'll have to do that with your DVD recorder as well.

I think they said the fix is coming in July. I'm not holding my breath though. It was supposed to be out months ago.
My 811 timer works with a VCR, as long as I leave the 811 on. It shouldn't be necessary to use the timer on your VCR. The bug is that the 811 VCR timer doesn't work when the 811 is turned off.

However, the original post was concerning a DVD recorder. It's possible that the 811 doesn't have the appropriate code for the DVD player in question.
Also there may be some type of signal injected into the HD video stream that tells the DVD recorder to "not record" as part of content protection.

I'm not sure, but there may be some kinda "Macrovision" for HD content.

Those that know should let us know.
I don't think the 811 has any proper codes for DVD recorders. At least I don't have one for my Panasonic e-80. If anyone hears about one, let me know.
yup...the Dish remote works with one of the Panasonic VCR remotes, except the RECORD button won't work with the code. Thus, the 811 receiver itself does not trigger RECORD on the DVD recorder. I have found no code that works with all the functionality.
Guys...when I use Panasonic dvd recorder to record from the 811, I can record 1080i HD with really great quality (aside from the darkness issue crap). However, when I try to record HD in 720p (ESPN and ABC), my picture has tons of jagged lines and is fuzzy. Is that because the s-video can't handle progressive scan?

Does anyone know a way to make 720p recordings from the 811 better???
So you recorded a show in 1080i from your 811 to your panny e-80???? I was thinking about getting a dvd recorder, just wondering how it turned out. Besides the dark video, does it look good? Also, when you recorded it, you have to leave the 811 on the channel you want to record?? Give me the skinny on this, I am eager to listen!!
Enforcer said:
So you recorded a show in 1080i from your 811 to your panny e-80???? I was thinking about getting a dvd recorder, just wondering how it turned out. Besides the dark video, does it look good? Also, when you recorded it, you have to leave the 811 on the channel you want to record?? Give me the skinny on this, I am eager to listen!!

The show may have been broadcast in 1080i, but it sounds like he was recording off the svideo port, which outputs 480i ( I think)
Enforcer...1080i gets downconverted through my s-video output into the Panny e-80. It still looks fabulous. It records in perfect 16:9 format...I just have to adjust the zoom settings on my HDTV when I play the content and it fills the screen perfectly with no stretching. There is some slight pixelation but not much. I'm not sure if the recording is done in 480i or 480p, but it looks DVD quality (except for the darkness crap).

The only problem is 720p content. When I record that to the Panny..it looks like crap...tons of distortion and pixelation coming from the 811. I can't figure out why 1080 looks great on the Panny, but 720 looks crappy.
Classic 1000 DVD+R

I switch the 811 or 501 through S-video to a cheap ($230) Classic 1000 DVD+R/RW recorder and found the remote will do a few functions (not including record) on the Classic. The same code number used on the 811 is invalid. Why? I guess, because they do not know the record code so it would have no use.

This means I must set up timers for the 811 and leave it on (or record only the banner) and for the recorder and leave it off. This is a pain, and the limit of 8 programs on the recorder is like the old VCR days.

The recordings in SP up to 2 hours and 3 minutes are better than VHS but not quite DVD quality but the 811 HD is better than most channels on the 501. There are no closed captions. Recording lengths are approximately HQ=1, SP=2, LP=4, or EP=6 hours. EP is like a bad cable or local channel. I use mostly +RW at about $1/disk.
Classic 1000 DVD+R

I switch the 811 or 501 through S-video to a cheap ($230) Classic 1000 DVD+R/RW recorder and found the remote will do a few functions (not including record) on the Classic. The same code number used on the 811 is invalid. Why? I guess, because they do not know the record code so it would have no use.

This means I must set up timers for the 811 and leave it on (or record only the banner) and for the recorder and leave it off. This is a pain, and the limit of 8 programs on the recorder is like the old VCR days.

The recordings in SP up to 2 hours and 3 minutes are better than VHS but not quite DVD quality but the 811 HD is better than most channels on the 501. There are no closed captions. Recording lengths are approximately HQ=1, SP=2, LP=4, or EP=6 hours. EP is like a bad cable or local channel. I use mostly +RW at about $1/disk.
811Sucks said:
Enforcer...1080i gets downconverted through my s-video output into the Panny e-80. It still looks fabulous. It records in perfect 16:9 format...I just have to adjust the zoom settings on my HDTV when I play the content and it fills the screen perfectly with no stretching. There is some slight pixelation but not much. I'm not sure if the recording is done in 480i or 480p, but it looks DVD quality (except for the darkness crap).

The only problem is 720p content. When I record that to the Panny..it looks like crap...tons of distortion and pixelation coming from the 811. I can't figure out why 1080 looks great on the Panny, but 720 looks crappy.
The S-Video output of the 811 is 480i and so is the recording on your DVD.

If you are seeing artifacts on 720p (incoming) stations, try the picture ADJUST function in the 811 HDTV Set-Up. If you shift the frame slightly left or right you should be able to eliminate the "jaggies" and so on.

John Doe..thanks for the info. Unfortunately, I'm not having luck. When I view the 811 signal through my s-video on the TV, for some reason the picture adjustment won't work (so its hard to see if I can adjust it). Only when I view the 811 directly connected to my TV does the picture adjustment work. Should i only move it left or right? or also up and down?

The Weather Channel...locally that is.

dish 500 and SA Tivo

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