811 & Auto Tune


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 5, 2003
It appears that the timer to auto tune doesn't work on my 8111. It shows the timer and actually blinks...but never changes channel. Anyone else have this problem?
Auto tune works on my 811 also, but I do have a problem with it. When the reminder should come up, I get the little clock icon, but no program info.

IIRC, on my 4700 it would pop up and tell you what program is going to be auto tuned and give you the option to cancel it. Not the case with my 811.
I set the auto tune last night, and when it went off, I no longer got *any* on-screen displays on my 811. As in, the channel banners, program guide, menus, were all gone. I would get a black screen when hitting the menu or guide key.

I turned the receiver off, then it would not turn back on. So I had to reboot it.
I think it's been confirmed that it will only work if you leave the receiver powered on. If you power off the unit, it will turn on at the appropriate time, but will show a black screen.

I, too, have used the 811 VCR timer succesfully many times since the 264 update, but only by leaving it powered on.

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