811 digital ota question


Original poster
Jan 12, 2004
My 811 ota guide just quit displaying my local NBC digital off air chanel. I went to add DTV in the menu and was successful in restoring it. My signal strength on this station is above 90%. Is this common or is there something I can do to keep this from happening? Also, every night I power off the unit but when I turn it on the next day it has to download the program guide. What gives, my 501 doesn't behave this way. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
tiptowner said:
My 811 ota guide just quit displaying my local NBC digital off air chanel. I went to add DTV in the menu as was successful in restoring it. My signal strength on this station is above 90%. Is this common or is there something I can do to keep this from happening? Also, every night I power off the unit but when I turn it on the next day it has to download the program guide. What gives, my 501 doesn't behave this way. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

I lose my ABC the same way. It's obviously a fix needed problem.
tiptowner said:
My 811 ota guide just quit displaying my local NBC digital off air chanel. I went to add DTV in the menu and was successful in restoring it. My signal strength on this station is above 90%. Is this common or is there something I can do to keep this from happening? Also, every night I power off the unit but when I turn it on the next day it has to download the program guide. What gives, my 501 doesn't behave this way. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Check the Guide. I'll bet you'll see a new channel listed there that you don't recognize. That is your NBC digital channel number reverting to its actual frequency, instead of its virtual number (PSIP). I've heard of this happening on occasion with other brands of OTA digital receivers. It is standard operating procedure with the 811.

I get it with 4->57, 9->30, and a coupla others. At least the channel doesn't disappear altogether if it doesn't lock in immediately, like it used to do with the previous software revision. That was a bigger pain.
GaryPen said:
Check the Guide. I'll bet you'll see a new channel listed there that you don't recognize. That is your NBC digital channel number reverting to its actual frequency, instead of its virtual number (PSIP). I've heard of this happening on occasion with other brands of OTA digital receivers. It is standard operating procedure with the 811.

I get it with 4->57, 9->30, and a coupla others. At least the channel doesn't disappear altogether if it doesn't lock in immediately, like it used to do with the previous software revision. That was a bigger pain.

My KGO (ABC) is still going AWOL with the new revision. BTW, I have proved that KQED 9.1-30.1 reverts to 30 when they turn off 9.3-5 at 8PM when they begin HD programming. In the morning I turn it on and it reverts back to 9.1-5.
GaryPen said:
I get it with 4->57, 9->30, and a coupla others. At least the channel doesn't disappear altogether if it doesn't lock in immediately, like it used to do with the previous software revision. That was a bigger pain.
You must live in the SF Bay Area. I get the same problem on Ch 4 and PBS digital Ch 9. Sometimes Ch 9 comes back and sometimes only 9.4 and 9.5 instead of 9.1 and 9.2 which I have programmed in.
Bobby said:
My KGO (ABC) is still going AWOL with the new revision. BTW, I have proved that KQED 9.1-30.1 reverts to 30 when they turn off 9.3-5 at 8PM when they begin HD programming. In the morning I turn it on and it reverts back to 9.1-5.

My KGO (7.1) would also disappear before the 264 revision. Hasn't happened since. The KRON un-mapping drives me crazy. I will take a second look at KQED.

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