My 811 (replacement) is working well, but the digital OTA has its own little problems. We have 3 carriers out there. 2 of these each have a subchannel, the third has three. Running a scan of the digital OTA finds them all, and remaps them to the proper designations with correct channel names. In the case of the 2 carriers with 1 sub, the mapping remains correct, however in the case of the third a couple of channel changes seem to allow it to revert to showing only the channel 39 main carrier and one of the subs -- and they are back to 39 from the remap to channel 6. Trying to do this via an "add digital" process seems to bring the same result.
Even if you save the proper remap into a favorites list, it will get you as the loss of remap causes the channel to disappear from the favorite list. If I use the channel 39 "unremapped" designation, the information stays there - I think, as I may well have seen some other cases a loss of channels in favorite lists.
Is this a common problem - aside from the remap to channel 1 that has been discussed here before?.
Even if you save the proper remap into a favorites list, it will get you as the loss of remap causes the channel to disappear from the favorite list. If I use the channel 39 "unremapped" designation, the information stays there - I think, as I may well have seen some other cases a loss of channels in favorite lists.

Is this a common problem - aside from the remap to channel 1 that has been discussed here before?.