811 Installed & Couple of Questions

glenn z

SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Dec 3, 2003
I got my 811 installed yesterday. Monitor is a Samsung DLP HLN507W.

Everything looks great. I put an antenna in my attic (radioshack boom (about 8 feet long) and I can receive 15 OTA digital channels. Signal strength on most are over 85% and I haven't tried to rotate the antenna to improve this. Picture seems great at this signal level. What do most of you get on your OTA signals?

I can notice some fan noise but it isn't loud enough to be annoying. I didn't have a 6000 so I can't comment on the difference.

One question - when I set to 720p there is about a 1/2 inch black box around the whole screen when watching HDTV. Is this normal? This is the first time I've ever watched anything in HD. I switched to 1080i which looks great but if that is how 720p is supposed to look I'll switch to that.

I highly recommend DVI connection. I had a spare cable from a PC monitor and you can definitely notice a difference.

Looking forward to zoom update. It's hard to watch the old format with the black bars.

Overall I'm really happy. Now, bring on the 921!!!!
Here's the spec sheet on the monitor

I think that were talking about 2 different things I was asking about the receiver Aspect modes.

Nice Tv :)
The TV has a Normal and Wide mode for PC and DVI. Normal will frame the picture (to eliminate overscan) and Wide will give a full 1:1 pixel map and fill the screen. I'd check this first.
Thanks for the tip. I checked the settings and it was set for Wide-PC. Changed it to Wide-TV and it fills the whole screen. I love it!

gpflepsen said:
The TV has a Normal and Wide mode for PC and DVI. Normal will frame the picture (to eliminate overscan) and Wide will give a full 11 pixel map and fill the screen. I'd check this first.
ROLLTIDE, The aspect control on the 811 does not work yet. The button is on the remote but they have not initiallized that yet. According to the manuel there will only be two settings, Full and Full Zoom. I hope the Full Zoom is as good as the Natural Wide on my Pioneer. If not, on the SD channels from Dish I will have to watch over the S-Video.

There is also supposed to be a screen adjustment menu for centering your picture, however, that doesn't work either. Neither does the OpenTv menu yet. However, scrolling thru the menu is so fassst it is very hard to read. I have zoomed by the channel I wanted to watch and had to back up. Not complaining--I like the speed. Changing between OTA channels is just as fast and it does not make a differance if you are moving between OTA --Dish or both type of signals.

Is This Normal????

811 Receiver Installed on Dish 500 System - My Impressions

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