811 OTA Analog Performance


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Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Just a comparison of the 811's OTA analog tuner vs. my Samsung DLP's tuner.

Both are tuned to the same analog OTA station, KPTM FOX 42.

Notice how washed out the 811's picture is?

Pictures are of TV in side-by-side PIP mode.


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gpflepsen said:
Just a comparison of the 811's OTA analog tuner vs. my Samsung DLP's tuner.

Both are tuned to the same analog OTA station, KPTM FOX 42.

Notice how washed out the 811's picture is?

Pictures are of TV in side-by-side PIP mode.

I have noticed the same lower quality picture with my Sammy using the 811 for OTA vs the standard antenna.
It should be important to note that the output from the 811 is via S-Video, but it's not. Analog OTA looks about the same via HD or composite/S-Video. I don't think the inadequate OTA performance is specific to display types either.
redline65 said:
Wow, your analog stations are really clear. Can you do a comparison of your OTA digital stations?

My setup is built for UHF reception. This FOX station is the only analog broadcast in the UHF spectrum. I could do a comparison of SD DTV to the FOX analog. That might show how dark the 811's output is.
I noticed last night that the analog picture through my vcr is much clearer than through my 811. I just assume that the 811 has marginal analog tuner in it.

The digital OTA and HD pictures are equal to the HD stuff from the dish. I was quite surprised at first but realized that digital is digital, no matter what the source of transmission. I watch as much, if not more, OTA HD as I do dish HD.
Bored today... more pic

Here is as close as I can get to side by side OTA analog via the TV and OTA DTV via the 811.

The only thing of note here is the black level and color saturation. The left picture shows some snow from the UHF antenna trying to get the VHF channel.

Notice on the lighter picture you can actually see the pattern in her shirt?


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