811 Software P262 Update Now Available!

Scott Greczkowski

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Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Dish Network has made a new software upgrade available for Dish 811 owners.

I was contacted by Dave Kummer with a lit of fixes and new features this afternoon.

This update contaings the Aspect Ratio Fix! To select different aspect ratios on your 811 press the * Key

The update also add's Interactive Weather (But not the full Dish Home Portal yet)

It also corrects the problem with some programs only being fed out the right speaker.

And addresses some Closed Captioning issues.

Dish Network thanks everyone for their comments and suggestions for the 811. If you see anything wierd on your 811 please post it here were Dish Network will see it.

SatelliteGuys is proud to be your official support home for the Dish 811 and 921 recievers! Happy Holidays!

Does this upgrade fix the dark picture output problem? And does it address the toslink output problem that some of us are experiencing?
Here are the changes I would like to see:

1) Bug fix - periodic lockups (blank screen, no sound - requires reboot, switch check to restore)
2) Bug fix - loses local OTA channels (may be happening when #1 occurs)
3) Change guide display from 4:3 to 16:9 (quick fix - use the SD stretch mode)
4) Buffer more than 4 hours of EPG data
5) Auto-refresh EPG data and video window (want instant response when pressing guide button)
6) Increase maximum size of favorites list
7) Fix stretch modes so they don't cut off any of the picture
8) Add the EPG guide search feature (like 501)
9) Add separate PPV locks option (like 501)
10) Remove the 2-layer channel guide for OTA channels that use only 1 subchannel. Currently, each OTA channel offers 4 subchannels, but I usually only watch 1 of the 4 (the other 3 are removed in my favorites list). Since I only watch one subchannel per OTA channel, it's seems weird to have to select the same channel twice. The current guide behavior can be preserved for people who add multiple subchannels per OTA channel.
Any fixes of these bugs? in particular:

1) Acquiring Satellite message when going to SAT after sitting on OTA for a long period of time. (old 6000 major annoyance)

2) Local channel dropped from guide sometimes when watching it and moving rotor causing drop/correction in signal. Also, local channels dumped before a DTV scan. Recommended fix: dont ever auto-drop a channel, require user to manually delete.

3) Dolby digital sometimes drops out for SAT channels when coming from OTA channel when Dolby Digital Only selected. (workaround: pick DolbyDigital/PCM)

4) Add DTV on an existing channel doesnt allow you to edit the NAME if immediately previously the user did an Add DTV of a new channel that failed and cancelled it. (workaround: re-edit channel, next time it allows name change)

5) Local SAT channels on 110 mysteriously dropping for no reason. 61.5 unaffected.

6) 48 hour guide yet?? I frequently get Updating Programming Guide in the guide window. Is this related?

7) Some complain about inconsistent audio levels on digital out across various channels?

8) Bad picture quality on analog video inputs?

Thats all I can think of off-hand... I havent checked P262 yet but based on the list above it doesnt appear these are on it... is that the whole list?

I hope adjustments were made for the dark video. if not, more calls to come..

Requests for new features at this point just seem moot, lets get a solid reciever before one starts banging on Dish on how you think their software should work.
The dark picture issue is not fixed. I'm also noticing more of an orange tint to flesh tones. May be a result of the problem with the black level.

PLEASE make that a top priority. It's absolutely terrible for both SD and HD.

I DO NOT want to have to hook up my 6000 again! :(

I LIKE the darker picture - its more in line with my 501!

<dodging tomatoes being thrown at me>
Its possible the dark picture is a manufacturing defect (or TVs that were tuned to a brighter picture in the past...)

My 811 matches EXACTLY my internal Hitachi OTA tuner and it also matches the output of the 322.

I'm guessing its either an expectation issue due to the 6000 being 'bright', or a manufacturing defect of specific receivers - I would never have said this box was dark until I came on the forums and saw people mentioning this.

Closed captioning is worse than before. Also, after the update my 811 loses the OTA channels from its memory.


Loud squeal when selecting Guide is present on my system.

As we discussed earlier, I believe this is a 15.75kHz tone that is a digital sampling of the NTSC raster.

It's very annoying and SPL is quite high.

Darker screen

The darker screen is NOT due to TVs tuned too bright before. My previous Dish receiver was a 3800, and I did my TV settings with my DVD player, using the AVIA disk. The settings through one input control the settings for all the inputs. With the 811 it is now noticeably darker on SD programs; with many it is significant and distracting.
This update resolves a lot of my issues I had. But it also broke a few things:

* It says it locks in on a channel (32-01, which should map to 23-01). This station only gets about a 49 to 53% signal strength. I have yet to get this station to lock in at all due to multi-path interference. The scan says it is locked in, but when tuning to it, it says the signal has been lost.

* Lost HD channels. This also includes lose of what channel it should be on... 46-01 should be mapped to 13-02 and 46-01 should be mapped to 13-01. I never had a problem with this on the 6000 or with the previous version of the software.

* Still have issues when tuning to 2 channels and weird digital artifacts on the screen and dropped audio when this happens. The 6000 does not exhibit this at all. I have tested it and no signal problem with these channels.
Engineer I talked to yesterday said that 262 would also include a small change to the way PSIP worked. I had a ATSC station that would tune in only 1 in 10 times on my 811 (OK on the 6K) on 261. On 262 it won't tune in at all and the box removes the channel from my list of DTV stations on the local channel set up box. Add it back in, try to tune it in again, doesn't work, and it's removed again.

Another problem I see is you tune to an ATSC channel and the 811 has a hard time locking on it, it eventually gets it but it takes awhile. You then hit the recall button on the remote to go back to the prior station and it doesn't switch, it stays on the same station.
If we are to be beta testers, why doesn't Dish open up a private forum for users that is moderated by Dish engineers. and formalize these issues.

Scott, you could volunteer to setup a seperate forum on sat. guys, but it needs to be moderated by Dish engineers.
alocher....I am in 100% agreement with you.

My monitor's tuned in with Avia and many other tweaks. I can take my RP62 DVD, 6000, 4900 or any other input source and there's no comparison to what the 811 is showing, or should I say NOT showing.

I would submit that if anyone thinks this is normal, that they may not have had correct black levels to start with to compare it to. You're supposed to see some detail in darker/shaded areas, not just midnight.

The update has resolved the issues, and the others that we had hoped would be fixed are not..

Spoke to Dish this evening, and the tech started or added to a trending report. He is going to try and arrange that I get a call back to confirm that engineering has been able to recognize the problems related to Dark SD Video and my other annoyance, when a channel gets re-mapped to the rear input selection, you have to wonder whose idea that was?

I have also noted issues that a couple others mentioned where local channels under some circumstances disappear. Channel mapping messes up, scrolling through local digital channels also seems to be jumpy you don't wind up where you expect.

Hopefully I'll hear something from Dish, though I am not holding my breath.. we'll see.
Wow this sucks sooo many people are having problems.. The update has fixed all of my problems except the two day guide and my local channels via analog and DT i dont know whats on?? In fact after the update i picked up all of my Dt stations with a 19.99 powered rabit ears!! Phillip magnovox got it at walmart.. Other then that the switch from D* to E* has been very very nice.. I want Pro baseball and Football pak but oh well..
normang said:
Channel mapping messes up, scrolling through local digital channels also seems to be jumpy you don't wind up where you expect.

Hopefully I'll hear something from Dish, though I am not holding my breath.. we'll see.

I have noticed that a couple of times also. I'll try to scroll down 1 channel and it goes down about 3.

921 question about screen size.

921's on E-bay allready

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