921 HDTV overscan differences


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 17, 2003
North Arkansas
Can anyone verify the difference in HD overscan on the 921?

My Left and right sides are sitting at 14 and top is at 5 and bottom at 6 using the HDNET test pattern.

I had a TV tech out today and he basically shrugged his shoulders and left because my screen shows the crawls on CNN touching the bottom edge of my screen. He said it looked good to him. It should, CNN is a SD channel. Grrrrr.

I showed him the HD test pattern and he told me that it could be the 921 tuner or the DBS signal and not my monitor. Plus he didn't have an HD generator to check my TV either.

How much of the overscan is built in to the HD tuner in the 921?

I have yet to check it against the DVE DVD.
I think its your TV, or something wrong with the 921 you got.

I got 2/2/1/3 left/right/top/bottom using the HDNet test pattern. Nearly zero overscan, I am quite happy with the 921.

I use DVI-D output to a front DLP projector. Maybe the problem is component outs?


921s When???

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