921 requirements


New Member
Original poster
Dec 23, 2003
DISH is now requiring all 811 customers to subscribe to the HDTV Pack.
Will this requirement will apply to the 921 also?
I called dish and they did not know anything.
"I know nothing" they read from a card in front of them.
Just a tip , by accident I found that I will need a duel feed for my brand spankin new not yet available anywhere 921, and dish has a promotion for a free upgrade to the dish 500 , so any one out there who will need a duel feed for their 921 should check this out , They came today and installed a new 500 . No charge!
If you pay list price for a 811 which is $399 or $999 for a 921 there is no required programming you only have required programming charges if they give you a break on the cost of the equipment and as far as the 921 is concerned I have not heard of any discounts for current subscribers.

DVR 522 L1.60 Software upgrade. What did it do?

E* New HD Package, are you satisfied so far?

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