E* New HD Package, are you satisfied so far?

Sean Mota

SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
New York City
It maybe too early for this type of question. I just got home at about 5pm and the first thing I did was turning my 6000 receiver to HDnet. What did I see? a baseball program and it was awesome!!! (picture and quality of HD). I probably say even better than Discovery! Then I turned to ESPN-HD and so the real bad convertion they had on. They will do a better job by just showing non-hd programming in 4x3 format. Tonight they are playing "playmakers" on Espn-HD and the quality of the picture does not look anything like the film transfer on HDnet. Next I turn to HDnet movies, but I was not turned on by the programming so I switched back to HDnet. So far, I am very happy. Can't wait till get more sporting events on Espn-HD. Just my 2 cents...
Playmakers did not look that great to me, HD Net looked good, but come on Stroker Ace on HDNet Movies? YUCK!

I like HDNet, ESPN could be better if a majority of its schedule was in HD instead of 1 show every few days.
One more thing. I wonder how you have your output setup at 1080i or 720p. I saw something funny on my HDTV on ESPN-HD. I had the 6000 setup to 1080i and saw jagged edges around people's clothing. I changed the setup to 720p and the edges are gone. I checked the other channels and it looks fine in 720p.

The jagged edges only appears on espn-hd. I seen the same behavior on ABC OTA. Do you think that there may be something wrong with the receiver or it is a conversion factor. My TV converst or downconverts everything to 768p
I am not impressed by ESPN HD, but look forward to Sunday night NFL football in HD. HDNet and HDNet Movies is superior quality, but no better than Discovery HD.

Now I want SciFi in HD.
Of all the things. I saw a few minutes of HDNET this afternoon and it looked good. I was looking forward to watching some of it this evening. Well, when they ripped the siding off the house they disturbed the dish just enough so the signal strength is low and I cant see anything on the big screen with the 6000 from 110!!!!
HDNet and HDNet Movies look very good - as good as Disc. HD can look.
ESPN - I slightly disagree. I thought it looked better in the SD special mode than regular SD. Yes, it is stretched (wish they wouldn't), but not fully so, by cropping just a little on the sides. The rez was just simply better than the SD ESPN.
Just got OTA ABC (720 operation), and though I had read that people couldn't tell the difference on sets smaller than 65", I can tell - perhaps because my set only does 1080i (Mits 55") thus some translation losing quality. However, Mon. night football looked great - couldn't really see much less quality there.
The package is fine - I just hope they get some other stuff lined up quickly for SuperDish customers - InHD, BravoHD, etc. (Yes, I know they have to wait for further ones to be AVAILABLE).
Hey, I was one of the few who were happily paying 8 bucks a month just for DiscHD Theater... So you can bet I'm happy now with the addl programming for $2 more... :D This is a big step up for Dish. Now hurry up and get that SuperDish special going!

Chris L
Austin, Texas
I was told by a Dish CSR that this package would be mirrored on 148 until everything was moved to 105. Does anyone know if this is true?
AkShark said:
I was told by a Dish CSR that this package would be mirrored on 148 until everything was moved to 105. Does anyone know if this is true?

Sorry, the new HD package will be on 110 only until they get ready to move them to 105. Also any newer HD will most likely only be on 105.
If they had a variety of movie channels in this package in the future then some would see this as an advantage, such as an HBO, a Showtime channel, a Starz channel, etc. instead of a bunch of HBO channels for one price then a bunch of Starz Channels in another package when you go to purchase movie channel packages.
motjes2 said:
One more thing. I wonder how you have your output setup at 1080i or 720p. I saw something funny on my HDTV on ESPN-HD. I had the 6000 setup to 1080i and saw jagged edges around people's clothing. I changed the setup to 720p and the edges are gone. I checked the other channels and it looks fine in 720p.

The jagged edges only appears on espn-hd. I seen the same behavior on ABC OTA. Do you think that there may be something wrong with the receiver or it is a conversion factor. My TV converst or downconverts everything to 768p

I remember getting something very similar to this when I first got my 6000 set up and used 1080i for ABC (720p). I use to see it a lot on text graphics that were added to the scene. Found a post somewhere that said that if you move the picture slightly to the right in the setup menu that the jagged edges go away. Worked for me, . . . you might want to give this a try as well.
Just tried it and it worked. I wished I had asked earlier about it. This has bugged me for a few months. After watching more Espn-hd, I have to agree that the upconvert channel has better PQ than the SD channel. I wish, like everyone else, that espn did not stretch the picture but it looks great without being hd. I am still happy about this package. More choices is the key here... 8)
I watched the original Ocean's Eleven last night in HDMovies. What a great Flik. Much better than the recent release.
I watched Hogan's Heros on HDNET, and was amazed at how good it looked. What happened to Mission Impossible? I thought HDNET was had converted some of those episodes?
Now I know why Charlie was waiting to put on HDTV

Now I know why Charlie was waiting to add HD stations. The picture quality is excellent, but the programing stinks. Would you pay to see the same programing in SD? I know I wouldn't. To bad HDnet and dish could not work something out to have some interesting programs and maybe some newer movies on their station for the first couple of nights. I am to blame as much as we all are, begging Charlie for HD. But I guess he knew that the programing was not so hot and that later would be better than sooner. I will be happy when my local sports teams are shown on ESPN-HD. Right now Comcast Cable has it all over Dish for HDTV in the Boston area. They have ABC-HD, NBC-HD, Fox-HD, ESPN-HD, PBS-HD, INHD, INHD2 (showing Red Sox and Bruins home games in HD), Showtime-HD, and HBO-HD.

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