Recording from the 921 dishwire outputs via JVC HM-DH30000u


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 17, 2003

Want to know who ever has a 921 & a JVC can archive from the dish wire
output to the firewire input on a dvhs tape in true HD.
Dvhs is the only way to go with a 921, heard that dish is going to turn on the firewire jack soon.
and the dm 40,000 is much better than the 30,000
Mr dvhs
I know it's difficult but try to read the numerous answers to this same question. The same info has been posted ad nauseum. ( For those from Jacksonville west side, that means enough to make you puke)

E* New HD Package, are you satisfied so far?

Any Chance Dish would let us trade in the 811 for the 921?

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