A&E HD Launches In Quiet


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Original poster
Dec 3, 2003

The high-def simulcast of the variety channel is only available in a few markets.
By Phillip Swann

Washington, D.C. (October 12, 2006) -- A&E is one of cable's most popular networks. So you would think that A&E's launch of a High-Definition TV channel would generate a lot of press.

Think again.

A&E HD, a high-def simulcast of the network's analog lineup, launched during last month's Labor Day weekend However, the company did not issue an official press release marking the event -- nor was there any coverage in the trade or consumer media. (A&E did notify the press last March of the Labor Day launch.)

A possible reason for keeping quiet about such an important occasion?

A&E HD, which includes such shows as American Justice and Cold Case Files, is only available in a handful of programming lineups.

Cox Cable has agreed to carry the channel, but thus far, only in a few cities, including San Diego, according to an A&E spokesman. The only other carrier is a small cable outfit in Minneapolis, the spokesman said.

However, he added that the company is negotiating carriage with other cable and satellite providers.

It's a good bet that A&E will issue a press release if and when it gets those carriage deals.

Final Note: A&E HD will air a concert special starring Paul McCartney on October 28. The event was filmed with 25 different HD cameras. But unless you live in San Diego or Minneapolis, you'll have to catch the non-HD version on the regular A&E channel.

Swanni Sez:
A&E's current difficulty in landing carriage agreements should quiet the critics who say that basic cable networks are dragging their feet on high-def. At this point, the cable and satellite operators have little space available for new HD channels. That will soon change, but why should a network launch a HD channel now when there's no guarantee that anyone will actually be able to watch it?
Of course, since they aren't broadcasting ANY HD yet (if its just a simulcast), who really cares?

I believe Scott talked about this channel in another thread, about the lousy PQ from the channel on the Canadian Sats... Although I could be thinking of something else! :D
rockymtnhigh said:
Of course, since they aren't broadcasting ANY HD yet (if its just a simulcast), who really cares?

I believe Scott talked about this channel in another thread, about the lousy PQ from the channel on the Canadian Sats... Although I could be thinking of something else! :D

I'm not sure about the total number of hours per day that are truly HD, however they are carrying CSI:Miami. The marathon on Labor Day was reportedly also presented in HD for those in markets with A&E HD.
This station has been online for over a month. I like how its major frontpage news at other sites like it's breaking news.

Yes it is up on ExpressVu and really nothing to write home about. Seems to be a mirror of the current A&E channel with not much in HD that I have seen. The SD picture is stretched to fill the screen..
Poke said:
A&E HD, which includes such shows as American Justice and Cold Case Files, is only available in a handful of programming lineups.

Cox Cable has agreed to carry the channel, but thus far, only in a few cities, including San Diego, according to an A&E spokesman. The only other carrier is a small cable outfit in Minneapolis, the spokesman said.
The tiny penetration they've got is surely the reason they're not announcing anything.... Makes it seem like no one cares and they don't want to emphasize that. Rest assured, if they were carried on at least one of the sat providers and one more large cable company, they'd announce it. Of course, they'd leave out the part that it's not nationwide on Cox, for instance.
Of course if they had something that people wanted to watch you could bet the forums would be full of people demanding A&E HD.

By the same tolken if it was added you would hear more cries from the HD Lite camp.

It's a no win situation.
SC launched it on Thursday. 5 hours of CSI Miami reruns were HD but I have not seen much else in HD. The streched SD is just nasty!
Scott Greczkowski said:
Of course if they had something that people wanted to watch you could bet the forums would be full of people demanding A&E HD.

By the same tolken if it was added you would hear more cries from the HD Lite camp.

It's a no win situation.

I think you hit the nail right on the head. :D

Which would you rather have

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