A few "Noob" Dish Network questions?


Original poster
Mar 8, 2009
Switching from DirecTV to Dish in a week or two as Dish offers our local channels and directTV does not.

I need 2 regular receivers and one HD receiver. (No DVR)

What are the latest & greatest model numbers for these two receivers?

I would like the regular receivers with UHF remotes, is this possible?

Also I get the regular TV Guide that is made for DirecTV and was wondering if TV guide had this same weekly guide for Dish? (can't find any info on it?

Last is Dish just as good as Direct ?

Thanks for the help.:)
Our zip says western.

I think the latest receivers are the 311 and 211 HD?

Just looking at the dish site this is what I come up with.

Anyone know if the Regular TV guide comes in a Dish version?
The E* guide has a TV Guide logo so I guess that's what you're looking for. You could get a 211 and a 322. That will handle on HDTV (211) and 2 SDTVs (322). The 211 can be turned into a DVR by adding an external hard drive and paying a one-time fee of $39. They are giving a 722(k) HDDVR free with a new subscription. It is subject to a $5 or $5.98 monthly DVR fee depending on the package selected.
The E* guide has a TV Guide logo so I guess that's what you're looking for. You could get a 211 and a 322. That will handle on HDTV (211) and 2 SDTVs (322). The 211 can be turned into a DVR by adding an external hard drive and paying a one-time fee of $39. They are giving a 722(k) HDDVR free with a new subscription. It is subject to a $5 or $5.98 monthly DVR fee depending on the package selected.

Is this E guide the monthly guide from Dish?

Strange - Unusual 722 Problem

DISH Dispatch company in New Jersey? Please help!

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