add receiver


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 24, 2004
I am thinking of adding a receiver. With dp34 and a spare existing cable, all I need is a receiver. My cousin said he has a extra receiver in a room that is not needed anymore. He can just give it to me for free. My question, do I have to change owner? Can I just plug it in and it will just work technically, since my cousin already pays $5/month for it? Or shall I move it to my own account and pay the extra $5/month? I am hoping not to change because my cousin could save a "downgrade" fee by not removing the receiver from his account.
I am going to pay him $5/mon anyway, so it doesn't cost him anything and he saves one time $5. For me, there is really no difference since I am paying $5/mon extra either way. I'd rather pay him since it not only saves him money, but also gives me better programming (he subscribes a better program than I do). I just want to know if his receiver/card will work in my room.
There's no downgrade fee for dropping a receiver from an account.

So, you're looking to get more programming for free, that you aren't willing to pay for?

rjad said:
I'd rather pay him since it not only saves him money, but also gives me better programming (he subscribes a better program than I do). I just want to know if his receiver/card will work in my room.
Thanks all for the information regarding "there is no downgrade fee for dropping a receiver". It is very helpful. It doesn't matter whether you have a two-year commitment for a 4-room installation, right? You can just drop a receiver anytime you want. I think I will just move it to my account in this case, to avoid all the complexities. BTW, is there a one time charge for adding a receiver?
Again, thanks for all the helpful information!
rjad said:
. I'd rather pay him since it not only saves him money, but also gives me better programming (he subscribes a better program than I do).

So... there is the bottom line... you want to steal programming that you haven't paid for... shame on you.. :no

Do you even have an account at all?
rjad said:
I I'd rather pay him since it not only saves him money, but also gives me better programming (he subscribes a better program than I do). .

That would be stealing... do the right thing and transfer the box to your account.
Rjad with the additional information you posted your cousin will be subject to a $240 penalty for terminating early. He also doesn't have the legal right to transfer ownership of the receiver 4 receivers under a 2 year contract suggests a leased system. Even if it wasn't leased it isn't his property till he completes the contract.
Thanks everybody for the valuable information! I guess I will probably just get one from ebay. Is there a one time fee charged by dish net for adding a new receiver? If it is a dual tuner model, will I get the monthly fee waived if I connect it to a phone line, like those people in the DHA program?
GaryPen said:
If it isn't leased, it's his property from the day they installed it in his home. He may be responsible for an early termination fee, but it's still his property.

Anybody know if the early termination fee for ONE receiver is higher or lower than buying one receiver from ebay/market ?
Rjad penalty is $240 301/311 receivers are $99.00 DISH may also have some Remanufactured receivers at bargain prices. 800-333-3474

Good-bye Dish! Hello Comcast!

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