Adult Swim?? ToonHD

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 26, 2007
Hmmm I keep seeing this on the bottom right of the TV screen while watching ToonHD "Adult Swim" :confused::confused:

I am finally getting around to asking what the hech does that mean?

If you have ever been to a metro area community pool, or maybe even a YMCA, they call out either FREE SWIM (aka general swim) or ADULT SWIM! Basic way to call which age groups are allowed into the pool at a specific time; very ingenious and "thinky" of TOON
OMG yes I understand now. LOL not sure why it took me so long. I guess I was trying to look into more than needed be. ;)
I'm glad somebody explained that one, I have scanned that channel in on a
digital free to air box before (its scrambled of course) and, not being able to see anything, had no idea what it was.
Plus, I never swam at a Y=M=C-A,
Y=M=CA, its fun to stay at ,
sorry, got caught up
Hmmm I keep seeing this on the bottom right of the TV screen while watching ToonHD "Adult Swim" :confused::confused:

I am finally getting around to asking what the hech does that mean?


Expecting the TV-MA to mean porn? On ToonHD ?

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Worst experience(luck?) ever!!!

Directv local channel question

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