aligning dish to get local channels


New Member
Original poster
Apr 6, 2004
just subscribed to dish networks local channels :) . However I have no 119 West transponder 09 signal - which they said was the local channels transponder. The dish people told to move the dish slightly to get a signal, but to no avail :( . I'm in the midwest trying to receive a distant affliate from the west.
Is it really a dish positioning problem or is it futile to try and receive local channels from outside my local area?
If it is a dish positioning problem what's the best way for an amateur to position it?
Dish uses spot beams Signials to send down a lot of there local channels. I live in Oklahoma and if i go to Colorado on vacation i will NOT get them out there. You didnt really say what locals you have and where you really are at right now. I always use transponder 11 on all Satellites to point dish. if you can get 11 on 119 and 110 then the others should be there. I hope this is the answer to you question.

MLB EI is NR/AO per my 7200

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