All I'm hearing is a big pfft from E* at CES so far


Pub Member / UConnaholic
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 23, 2003
Monroe, CT
We want goodies! Good news. ANYTHING we don't know already. :rolleyes:

Come on, E*!!!
I think they are now going to be quite as they are in Merger talks again.

This is normal.

We might see more Rate increases to make the books look better for the Merger. This is normal also.

We may not know anything for months.

Things will be quite for a while.

It will be BAU - Business as Usaual.
Maybe Charlies too busy over on the high stakes poker tables to worry about making any type of major announcement.
Due to in sider trading laws my source said it would illegal to say who and any other details.

Dish is a publicly traded company, they have to be careful. There silence is by law.
ScottChez said:
Due to in sider trading laws my source said it would illegal to say who and any other details.

Don't be a freak N Coward Post away !

Use a different name if your still scared .
ScottChez said:
Due to in sider trading laws my source said it would illegal to say who and any other details.

Dish is a publicly traded company, they have to be careful. There silence is by law.

They are taking everything off of 61.5. Why? Could a purchase of Voom be in the horizon?
Ray S said:
ScottChez said:
Due to in sider trading laws my source said it would illegal to say who and any other details.

Dish is a publicly traded company, they have to be careful. There silence is by law.

They are taking everything off of 61.5. Why? Could a purchase of Voom be in the horizon?

What everything are they taking off 61.5? All I've heard is the HD channels are being migrated to 110. There's still a bunch of SD channels, LIL and international on 61.5, .

If they were going to purchase Voom, why would Dish be pulling stuff off of 61.5, if Cablevision was purchasing the rest of the 61.5 transponders from Dish I could understand but not the other way around.

Where is the source code for the 921 Linux?

Where is the 811??

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