Where is the 811??


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jan 9, 2004
Called Dish up and they tell me unless I order that $999 package deal, I have to wait 4-6 weeks to get the 811 receiver and whole setup. Whats up with this...no HD for me!

anyone hear about this or have a similar problem?
Yes. its been like this since the 811 was introduced. The majority of the 811 went with the package and to people who are renting the 811 on the Dish Home Plan. Most people don't do what I did. I went to a retailer and paid full price for the 811 a day or two after it was available. I will be a two year customer of Dish in February. I could have gotten it for half the price or less.
will i have to pay for it when it becomes avail as anew customer? or will it come with the installation and all that?

All I'm hearing is a big pfft from E* at CES so far

Newbie questions, PLease ignore ignorance

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