alternative methods of getting adjacent market locals.

Please reply by conversation.
This doesn't address the other 209 markets. As was mentioned SV channels are far and few between.
Raoul's point was that SV channels are not available in most places yet.

Huh?..This is text from the FCC rules....I don't care about his market or any one individual market...That wasn't my point..I simply pointed out in non exact terms what the rules are regarding SV.......OUT..
read it gain..The word "any" is inserted into the sentence to indicate the possibilty...If you want to go though life splitting hairs, do it on your own time...What difference does it make anyway..Or is it your undying need to let everyone in on your vast wealth of knowledge....
here's the ruling from the FCC in part...
Needs and Uses: 47 CFR 76.54(b) provides for cable operators and
broadcast stations seeking cable carriage of ``significantly viewed''
signals to use the Sec. 76.7 petition process to demonstrate
``significantly viewed'' status on a community basis by independent
professional audience surveys. The rule changes require satellite
carriers or broadcast stations seeking satellite carriage of
``significantly viewed'' signals to use the same petition process now
in place for cable operators, as required by 47 CFR 76.5, 76.7 and
76.54 of the FCC's rules.
47 CFR 76.54(e) and (f) are additions to the rule. These rules will
be used to notify television broadcast stations about the
retransmission of significantly viewed signals by a satellite carrier
into these stations' local market.
Section 202 of the SHVERA created section 340 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended (``Communications Act'' or
``Act''), which provides satellite carriers with the authority to offer
Commission-determined ``significantly viewed'' signals of out-of-market
(or ``distant'') broadcast stations to subscribers. Within 60 days of
enactment, the SHVERA required the Commission to (1) publish and
maintain a list of stations eligible for ``significantly viewed''
status and the related communities (as determined by the Commission)
(see 47 U.S.C. 340(c)(1)(A)(i)), and (2) commence a rulemaking
proceeding to implement section 340, thus enabling satellite carriage
of such ``significantly viewed'' signals (47 U.S.C. 340(c)(1)(A)(ii)).

notice the 60 day requirement to establish which stations are eligible under SV....
There you have it..The FCC's rules....Now, what else would you like to be incorrect about?

I am not splitting hairs. I am pointing out your misrepresentation of the facts. BTW, you need a lesson in grammar. The word "any" does not indicate a possibility. You must have flunked that class.
I am not splitting hairs. I am pointing out your misrepresentation of the facts. BTW, you need a lesson in grammar. The word "any" does not indicate a possibility. You must have flunked that class.

You still think you're cage is being rattled?..
Are you that feeble minded that you cannot realize I'm no longer interested in what you have to post? You impolitely jumped in on my post to another person and interjected your commentary...How presumptuous of you to think we are in need of your wisdom.
You are incorrect on this..So stop insisting..It shows very poor form...
Done...That means you are now being ignored..Here's a quarter.... Go buy yourself a life..
"You still think you're cage is being rattled?.."


"Are you that feeble minded that you cannot realize I'm no longer interested in what you have to post? You impolitely jumped in on my post to another person and interjected your commentary...How presumptuous of you to think we are in need of your wisdom."

You certainly need someone's wisdom as you clearly have none of your own.

"You are incorrect on this..So stop insisting..It shows very poor form...
Done...That means you are now being ignored..Here's a quarter.... Go buy yourself a life."

Jeez, you sure get touchy when you are wrong, don't you?
Please reply by conversation.

Boston HD Locals Gone!

Quick question about phone line

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