Check out the monthly "fee" for the HD-dvr from fios, it's higher than the 622 or 722, counting Charlie's dvr fee

I'm not defending Dishs' "nickel & dime stuff" way of charging, it's a sneaky way of watching your bill creep up. But c'mon, what really matters is what you're paying total, bottom line. That away you can compare apples & apples. Look at your phone (or cell) bill; you have to look at what the final total is before making a judgement. Seems like these service providers just get to the total a different way and they all seem to have "mystery" fees. I think any business advertising should include ALL the fees in the same type size (and font) as the big teaser monthly rates. Truth in advertising

Regarding Fios, I would probably give it a try when it gets to my area (possibly late 2009/ early 2010) simply because it should be a better picture with less compression than Dish; and that's one of the main reasons for watching hd tv

From what I've read the Fios dvr is not nearly as good as the 622/722, do some searching on this site and see what others are saying.