American Idol on Fox

They probably had Simon say that it was the worst cast ever to try to bring in more ratings as it is funny to watch how badly they mess up. This is what got me hooked to American Idol last year was how weird they sang and some the stupid people that were on there that actually thought they were good.
It makes for a fun show for a while, but I do eventually want to hear people who can really sing. All I know is 1 flat note is enough for me to ax some one. :)

See ya
So far, only the 16 year old from last night's show demonstrated any ability to sing at all. Memphis should have a better pool...
I thought the "Indian Siblings" did a fabulous job. The sister is very easy on the eyes (what can I say... I'm a letch). The brother needs a nose job and a hair cut. :)

See ya

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