Started watching this British series import on TNT . So far it is pretty good. Sci-fi plot involves time jumps and a man who notices time is jumping back to a fixed date of July 1st at midnight. He gets 6 months to live over again till the end of December and then wakes up and he is on July 1st again. It has a multi national secrete government group involved in the reason why time is repeating and they are called the Lazarus Project. Seems that they are there to prevent or change Extinction level events that have gone on Earth.
The first one was in 1963 with America and Russia attacked each other with nukes, and 1979 when Pakistan attacked India with nukes and so on . He even asks Archie, the woman that recruits him to the group, why they didn't stop corona virus from killing so many people and she says :"You think they would of come up with a vaccine in 9 months without us repeating time till they found the answer?"
I recommend giving it a try and you too will be hooked.
The first one was in 1963 with America and Russia attacked each other with nukes, and 1979 when Pakistan attacked India with nukes and so on . He even asks Archie, the woman that recruits him to the group, why they didn't stop corona virus from killing so many people and she says :"You think they would of come up with a vaccine in 9 months without us repeating time till they found the answer?"
I recommend giving it a try and you too will be hooked.