An Interesting Observation That Started the SL1p Project

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Feb 27, 2010
Traverse City, Michigan
It started with my experimenting with the SL1p in front of a 1.2m Channel Master dish, wondering what this lnb could do. Pointing it at the center of the dish where the original feed looks brought nothing. Almost by accident it slumped down and signal locked and came up! It peaked by pointing it at the bottom edge of the dish! I started thinking of the theory of off set dishes (if I have this right) that they are basically a slice or petal of a much larger prime focus dish. So I presume if I am using a prime focus lnb pointed at the bottom edge of an offset dish, I am looking at the center of the full size dish the offset was sliced off from. I should have seen a lot of noise with the lnb looking mostly at the ground, however it actually reported a 72Q on the TP I was on.

Hmmnn.. The more I learn only opens up more questions.
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