I have a Dish Pro Plus LNB on a Dish 500 reflector, connected to my Hopper Duo. I'm trying to get it aimed properly, using one of those inexpensive satellite-finder boxes with the toner and meter. The process seems to be working, but it would be a lot easier if it weren't for one annoying thing. I climb the ladder, hear the tone, and see the meter. I start to move the dish, but then, at intervals of about a second, the toner emits a short but loud high-pitched BEEP, and the meter pegs at the top of the scale. Then the BEEP ends and the meter drops back and starts to settle at the proper value. But just as they settle back, the BEEP happens again. This makes it really hard to tweak the dish into the best position. Does anyone know what this annoyance is, and whether it is possible to prevent it?
Many thanks
Many thanks