Another External Hard Drive Question


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Jan 13, 2004
I apologize if these questions about an external hard drive on the Hopper 3 have been answered before, but I could not find them.

Is USB 3.0 helpful on the Hopper 3?

To satisfy the externally powered requirement of the external hard drive for Dish network may a usb bus powered external hard drive be plugged into an externally powered usb hub that is attached to the Hopper 3?

Has the 2 terabyte size limit been exceeded?

Help in trying to answer these questions will be greatly appreciated.
Although I have not tried it, I have read many posts on this site by folks using a powered hub successfully. Also I have read where some have had success using a newer low power EHD without external power, but Dish does not recommend it.

Here is what Dish says about EHD size requirements:
  • Connected to Hopper: minimum 320 GB, maximum 2 TB
  • Connected to Wally: minimum 500 GB, maximum 2 TB
  • Connected to other receivers: minimum 50 GB, maximum 2 TB
Some people have had limited success with drives over 2 TB, but Dish does not support or recommend it.

In my experience, USB3 won't help you too much vs USB2. Video streaming rates are not that high relative to a drive's maximum speed. (USB2 is fast enough to keep up with video streaming rates).


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