Any news on new Dish HD channels?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 9, 2003
I see that Fox is going to start broadcasting HD this fall. Directv will be offering many HD football telecasts via NFL Season Ticket (CBS and Fox). Olympics are this summer. So my question is will and when might Dish try to add ABC, NBC, Fox, Bravo-HD?

Some of you may have contacts that can give us an idea. We would appreciate any solid info.

I have been talking to DTV about buying one of their HD receivers at a special price. They of course want me to commit to Total Choice, which I don't want because of my investment in Dish hardware. I wish they would just allow ala-carte...
CMB said:
I have been talking to DTV about buying one of their HD receivers at a special price. They of course want me to commit to Total Choice, which I don't want because of my investment in Dish hardware. I wish they would just allow ala-carte...

What sort of special price? Would you be a new DirecTV subscriber?
Seem like Charlie recently expressed that "there just isn't anything worth adding" as far as new HD. With Superdish out of the picture as a solution for HD, Dish is against the wall it seems. I wouldn't expect much for a while. Direct could or might really trump Dish on this if their new sat flies right. I would hate to see that happen if they continue their "soft" HD imaging. EncoreHD goes up in a few days. BravoHD has been around for a long time. Everyone will slowly move towards more HD over time. (VOOM is already there - they'll be adding EncoreHD next Monday.)
All I can say is if Dish drags their A** on HD and Direct steps up and takes the bull by the horns I will say so long to Dish in a heartbeat...
what really gets me is dish is pushing the hd in a box promo. yet they aren't offering much in hd channels. :confused:

are they feeling out the demand for hd channels or are they putiing the cart before the horse :confused:
gredneck--You hit the nail on the head! HD ready? TVs have been selling for over 5 years. However, there has not been alot of HD material to watch until the last 2 years. Let's hope E* doesn't wait 2 more years to increase their HD offerings!
GB42 said:
All I can say is if Dish drags their A** on HD and Direct steps up and takes the bull by the horns I will say so long to Dish in a heartbeat...

so i take it by that response that once you are with D*, and E* starts offering more, you switch back? Sounds from your post that whoever has more HD will make you switch immediately
People, if you can't see what is happening, Chuck is taking you for a fool. "There just isn't anything worth adding"?? All that means is that DirecTV doesn't have anything that we don't that's worth adding. If/when D* starts adding HD stations, then Chuck will start moving.
GaryPen said:
So? Why not? Is there a problem with that?

No, no problem at all. My opinion is that is extra effort and possibly cost. What if one month after switching to D*, E* adds a channel or two. Then you switch back. Then four months later D* adds a few. You switch again. etc etc. Seems silly to me, but some folks might find this hassle worthwhile.
bsic said:
No, no problem at all. My opinion is that is extra effort and possibly cost. What if one month after switching to D*, E* adds a channel or two. Then you switch back. Then four months later D* adds a few. You switch again. etc etc. Seems silly to me, but some folks might find this hassle worthwhile.

For some people it is. I doubt if they would do it every month, though. ;)

OTOH, switching really isn't that difficult. The mast and wiring is there. Just swap receivers and antennas. Bada bing!

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