Any news on the Turner channels?

Charlie may have fudged those charts and graphs a little bit, but make no mistake about it CNN ratings have been going down. I watch more news than anybody else I know and I NEVER WATCH CNN. If I never watch it who does? Anybody who loves GWB watches FoxNews(GOPTV). Anybody who hates GWB watches MSNBC. CNN usually just takes the high road, BORING!! Time Warner wants Dish customers to pay for Time Warner Cable's price hike. That's what's going on here. It's a vertical monopoly at work.
It's all poker bluffing. CNN wants more money from subscribers as the ad rates are dropping due to lower ratings so this is a ploy by them to try and reduce the red ink.

Of course, taking 9 million potential subscribers offline won't help either. Look for them to kep carriage while they continue negotiating.
CNN is not the most liberal station, although it gave Clinton the pass completely. It's just the "high road" station. It never engages in any partisan debates like the other two networks. That makes it far more boring. CNN hasn't been nearly as critical of GWB's lies to start this war as MSNBC has. Chris Matthews has been relentless in his disdain for GWB, no such animosity anywhere on CNN. By far the most right-wing show on TV is Fox and Friends, they make O'Reilly sound like Rosie O'Donnell.
I just got a note from Marc Lumpkin at Echostar who tells me negoations are continuing and ongoing.

Nothing more then that.

We should know more on Wednesday.
Actually CNN gets more viewers than the other cable nets. Most people who view CNN visit on average 15 minutes get their news then leave. Fox viewers are idealogues... they tune in for longer amounts of hours on end. Thats how they get the higher ratings. I think that explains itself.
I used to watch CNN exclusively for news, but have started tuning to MSNBC and FoxNews since Charlie's little chat. I'll admit, I prefer MSNBC now, and really don't go to CNN that often anymore.
Whether you like CNN or I like CNN doesn't matter. What matters is that CNN is there if/when we want to watch it.

AFAIC, CNN made its mark during Gulf War I, and has come way back from the FoxNews intro ratings fade. I watch both and I want both to be there when I want.
Do I think CNN will disappear forever from the Dish lineup? No. Might it as a negotiation tactic? Maybe, but I doubt it. My point is I can certainly live without it while the negotiators wack each other around the table..aint gonna ruin my days with more than acceptable alternatives.
Remember its not only the turner channels that could go away on the 1st, Viacom channels could be saying bye byee as well.

I could live without CNN, but no NICK, Cartoon Network or Noggin? My kids would kill me.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Remember its not only the turner channels that could go away on the 1st, Viacom channels could be saying bye byee as well.

I could live without CNN, but no NICK, Cartoon Network or Noggin? My kids would kill me.

Scott why don't just admit that you watch the Cartoon Network :)
I like CNN on my wait that's cinammon.
Seriously, I would really hate to lose TCM. Really. Did I mention I would like to not lose TCM?
Don't even compare AMC to TCM, even my cat knows what a commercial interruption is.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Remember its not only the turner channels that could go away on the 1st, Viacom channels could be saying bye byee as well.

I could live without CNN, but no NICK, Cartoon Network or Noggin? My kids would kill me.

My son Loves Cartoon Network and Boomerang.. I just got him calmed down about no pbskids.. Man i really need these channels to stay if not then i have to get the bacis for a year and go back to D*?? :shock: Wife will even be mad at me.. :evil:

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