Anybody using HDMI out into a DVI-D TV?


SatelliteGuys Pro
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Sep 12, 2003
KC Area
The reason I ask, is because I'd like to use a Joey to feed an older Hitachi 32" LCD that only has component, DVI-D, and DB-15 HD inputs. I'd like to know if you have any HDMI handshake issues, whether the audio works with the DVI or has to be run separately with L/R stereo, and any other issues you might be having. I'm not sure if the TV is HDCP compliant, but that shouldn't matter except on HBO and maybe a few other channels, as long as the handshake works. Any actual field experience data would be appreciated!

Audio won't work with DVI as DVI is video only. HDMI combined DVI with 5.1 audio on the same cable.

You can get either an HDMI to DVI cable or a HDMI to DVI adapter and make it work that way. Not sure if the Joey will have issues or not with handshaking.
Neutron said:
Audio won't work with DVI as DVI is video only. HDMI combined DVI with 5.1 audio on the same cable.

You can get either an HDMI to DVI cable or a HDMI to DVI adapter and make it work that way. Not sure if the Joey will have issues or not with handshaking.

But to be clear you still need a seperate audio feed from source to TV, when using the DVI input.


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Thanks for the replies, guys. I thought that was the case with the audio. I'm hoping to hear from someone who is actually doing this and knows the issues that Dish equipment might have in this reqard. (Heaven forbid I would actually have to CARRY MY TV into the room where the 722 is and HOOK IT UP to TRY IT!):D
No one is addressing the HDCP aspect, which could be a show stopper in itself.
I have a Mitsubishi 65813 TV that has a DVI port. I watch HD using component cables and have a HDMI to DVI cable connected from my 622 to the DVI port on the TV. This arrangement seems to deceive the 622 into thinking I’m connected to the TV via HDMI since when I check, I see HDCP = yes. This arrangement allows me to happily watch all HD channels without any DRM issues. As I said, this works with the 622.
You miss my point Krell. I have he HDMI to DVI cable connected but I watch my HD TV through component cables. If you look at the manual, I’m watching through COMP1, not through the M-link.
No, you are missing my point! My point is that your Mits has HDCP via it's DVI input. If you unplug that M-link thing such that the receiver can no longer handshake with your TV, it may not show you anything on the component inputs. We have had numerous reports of bizarre things like that happening, e.g. when trying to watch HBO while the HDMI TV is turned off. Initial DRM firmware even shut off HBO on TV2 until Dish fixed it.

If Brad's TV does not speak HDCP, then he will likely have issues on channels with DRM enforcement. Nevertheless, we are all happy that you report success (do you have HBO?), and it's possible Brad's TV can work the same way.
You miss my point Krell. I have he HDMI to DVI cable connected but I watch my HD TV through component cables. If you look at the manual, I’m watching through COMP1, not through the M-link.
Krell's point is that if the DVI connection wasn't HDCP compliant, then you wouldn't be able to watch through either connection.
Just another data point. I have an ancient (2001) Sony KV-XBR800 connected to my 722 with an HDMI to DVI adapter. The set supports HDCP. I do have HBO and I haven't seen any problems.
Hi, I have an older Panasonic Plasma TV that has a DVI input. I bought an HDMI to DVI cable from monoprice and it worked fine with my previous Dish receivers (622, 722) and it works fine with my current receiver (722K). My Panasonic TV was advertised as having HDCP, and I did not have any problems with copy protection. As others have mentioned, I did have to use a separate audio cable because the DVI input on my Panasonic does not support audio.

I also tried using component cables at 1080i, and I could not see any difference between using component or using HDMI with the Dish receiver. As I said, my TV is older and only has the one DVI input, so I ended up using the component inputs for my Dish receiver, and I use the HDMI input (via the HDMI to DVI cable) for my streaming media player.
No, you are missing my point! My point is that your Mits has HDCP via it's DVI input. If you unplug that M-link thing such that the receiver can no longer handshake with your TV, it may not show you anything on the component inputs. We have had numerous reports of bizarre things like that happening, e.g. when trying to watch HBO while the HDMI TV is turned off. Initial DRM firmware even shut off HBO on TV2 until Dish fixed it.

If Brad's TV does not speak HDCP, then he will likely have issues on channels with DRM enforcement. Nevertheless, we are all happy that you report success (do you have HBO?), and it's possible Brad's TV can work the same way.

So you say it’s normal for a receiver (possibly even a blu-ray player) to send HD to a device from all of its outputs so long as it receives the HDCP handshake from any one of its outputs. If that’s normal, then that’s what I’m doing. My 622 gets the HDCP handshake from my TV’s M-link port and accordingly sends the HD signal through all outputs. I have the AEP package and have never had a problem with HBO or any other HD channel with this setup.
Brad’s TV should function similarly, but if his TV doesn’t provide HDCP, there are external devices available that would provide the handshake. I think they’re kind of pricy but they work.
So you say it’s normal for a receiver (possibly even a blu-ray player) to send HD to a device from all of its outputs so long as it receives the HDCP handshake from any one of its outputs.

That is what I'm saying regarding Dish receivers, because that is what has been reported here. (I have no clue about BD players, since I hardly ever use my LG POS.) I don't have HBO so I can't very well check this. But YOU COULD! Unplug that M-link and tell us what you see via component. ;)

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