Anyone else experienced this?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Aug 12, 2006
I have a 622 with the NHL Center Ice package. I work at night so I record my team's (Colorado) games and then watch them as soon as I get home from work. Well about 75% of the time I have the following issue. I get through 2 periods or so of the game (about 2:20 of a 4:30 program) and the thing jumps back to the beginning in mid playback (ie you see the same thing at 2:22 as you would when you first started watching it). The end of the recording is not there. It really is quite irritating. So I finally convinced dish to send me a new 622. I received it on Monday night and after 2 hours on the phone with them got it activated (that's a whole nother story). So last night I recorded the Colorado v. Columbus game and watched it with no problem. However, tonights game Colorado v. St. Louis it jumped back to the beginning after the 2nd period, and again I couldn't finish the game.

Is this a software, or hardware issue? Should I have them send me another stinkin 622? I'm getting really irritated seeing as I paid $200 to upgrade to the 622 and $150 for CI and I can't watch most of the games I want to watch!
I'm not so sure it's a problem with recording the "banner" at the end of the game, but that could be part of it.

I have had the same exact issue recording my Sharks games - it's really starting to tick me off. I, however, have experienced this problem even more frequently when recording shows from A&E. Hour long shows start over 40 minutes in - it sucks. Dish just sent me my second 622, and on the first day the problem occurred on two A&E shows (Cold Case Files, and The First 48). It isn't every time, but it's getting more frequent it seems.

I called Dish today after it happened with the new receiver and told them they have a software issue and the RSN's / A&E are the main problem channels. The tech support lady said she would send it up the line so they could look into the problem.

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