Anyone else seeing channels disappear on the 811?


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Sep 7, 2003
Dripping Springs, TX
This has happened a couple of times now. Showtime-HD (9430) is in the guide (I subscribe to it) and then it's gone after a number of hours. We're not talking about it showing up as red but gone completly from the all channels and subscribed guides. If I do a reset on the 811 it will come back but then again in a few hours it's gone again. Anyone else see behavior like this on 9430 or anyother channels??? Thanks - Rick
No probs here with any of the HD channels listing on the 811. I forgot to turn the unit off last night, but this morning every was ok except for audio.

I lost audio from the 811 this morning on both component & composite audio outputs. Power-off via the remote didn't fix it, but when I uplugged the 811 for a few seconds, the audio was there when power was restored. :)
Also lost sound on 811

Checked the Optical cable and all connections. Everything looked right, was right. Sound on another tv with a 301 was OK. About an hour later later 811 sound came back on. Spooky Glitch.
Re: Also lost sound on 811

johnmart said:
Checked the Optical cable and all connections. Everything looked right, was right. Sound on another tv with a 301 was OK. About an hour later later 811 sound came back on. Spooky Glitch.

John. since we both experienced no sound on the 811, and your audio restored without intervention, it may have been a transmission issue. I discovered the "outage" around 7 a.m. ET. I've got to start turning my 811 off at bedtime for the 44-day EPG d/l and whatever other goodies they deign to send my way. (My Dishplayer has been "ON" 24/7 for three and one-half years now and still runs like a top. Amazing!)
I lost CBSHD-NY and the Demo channel. Did a reset and they both reappeared. It has only happened to me once so far.:?

BTW - I checked these same channels on my 6000 and they were both there. They were only missing from the 811.

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