Anyone have an idea as what NBC Sports on 151 will carry?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Oct 30, 2003
Rochester, NY Region
With Universal Sports going away as an OTA signal on 1/1 and Versus becoming the "All New" NBC Sports on 1/2, does anyone know what if any new programming will be on 151
Versus (soon to be NBC Sports) is just a rename
Universal Sports will try and be more of a cable/satellite channel
Versus (soon to be NBC Sports) is just a rename
Universal Sports will try and be more of a cable/satellite channel

If what they say on the scroll on the bottom of the screen, they are going to sat only on 1/1 and currently that means Direct only. And the promo on Versus is "The all new NBC Sports" coming 1/2.

Addendum: They actually say when I plug in Albany NY, one of only 3 cable outlets to carry it in NY:

Universal Sports is currently available through Time Warner Cable on channel 1827, but you may lose access to all your favorite Olympic & adventure sports and athletes. Call Time Warner Cable
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Universal Sports is being dropped from OTA and is for cable/satco's
On September 12, 2011, it was announced that Universal Sports would convert to being exclusively distributed to cable and satellite providers, and would no longer operate as an over-the-air digital multicast network beginning in early 2012,

Versus (NBC Sports Network) will basically be a rename at the getgo...kinda like CBS College Sports changed to CBS Sports Network
I know PBR will be gone from Versus (NBC Sports on the 1st). The PBR signed a new contract to move to CBS Sports Network on the 1st. Other than that, I don't expect many changes from what they have now. Repeats of NBC sports programming in addition to what original programming they have now and probably a few NBC sports news type shows..
shouldn't this thread be moved over to Cable/Satellite Network discussion, it's just a discussion on the over all network and has nothing to do with Dish Network.

on topic, i think it will have the same programing as before except PBR as mentioned. i wouldn't be surprise if NBC Sports Network trys to buy out the remainder of ESPN's NASCAR contract and become the home for the Chase races, Nationwide races, and a daily 30 minutes or 1 hour NASCAR news magazine show like NASCAR Now on ESPN 2 and NASCAR Race Hub on Speed. plus maybe an encore of WWE programming or a couple of WWE shows that lost TV homes in the last year and a half (not likely to happen with the launch of the WWE Network, which could be a 50/50 owned network between WWE and NBC Universal, who owns the US TV Rights to Raw and SmackDown right now).
NBC Sports also got a national MLS contract from Fox Soccer Channel. Although ESPN still has there's, so it's not exclusive. Both will have contracts until 2014.
shouldn't this thread be moved over to Cable/Satellite Network discussion, it's just a discussion on the over all network and has nothing to do with Dish Network.

No. It's also a Dish topic. 151 is Versus and that is changing to NBC Sports on 1/2. I was asking if anyone had any idea what type of programming would be on 151 after 1/2.
What about the Tour de France and other bike racing that had been pretty much unique to Vs./OLN? -Jan

Logitech Revue down to $99

This was in the paper today.

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