Anyone try the new Philips 80 gb DSR708 ??



Original poster
Considering picking up this receiver .......... anyone have any experiences to share ........... the good, the bad and/or the ugly?

Good question, anyone have any experience with this unit? It sure does look nice on the store shelf.
The first I've heard about it. If I get any info I'll post it.
This unit was listed as a coming soon item,but someone returned a DSR-7000 and received a DSR-708 from Best Buy,so I guess Best Buy is stocking them. I didn't see a price on that link just sale:see our price. Where? It seems to be a DSR-7000 with a bigger hard drive.
I wonder if the new units have any improved features, user interface, performance speed, or even picture quality .................... or is it just repackaging and a larger drive?

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