At&t Anti Trust case


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Sep 8, 2003
Tampa/Eastern Ct
Keep an eye on that trial that starts this week. If they lose against the Government's assertion that buying Time Warner creates too much broad content with one company one outcome is At&t might spin off one of it's assets. It isn't going to be anything concerning streaming or Cell service. So if they feel Time Warner is important what is left to spin off? Hint - They have already made reference to it not being their long term goal.....Hmmm I know.....
uh... is it toys'r'us? :biggrin

IMHO they can spin off DirecTV just as long as there's no merger with DISH involved.
I suspect this trial will take months, and probably end in an out of court settlement.
If dish buys Directv I will fight it because that means I’m pretty much done with satellite.

I hear AT&T digital life is the one they are trying to get rid of
Home security/automation is a comparative drop in the bucket here (financially and market impact). It's probably worth selling out of, but I doubt it would be much of a bargaining chip in this matter.
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I can't see AT&T losing this anti-trust case. It isn't like they have a monopoly on cable access or tv programming. There are the legacy competitors plus at least 8 OTT competitors.
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It seems pretty plain that if the same company owns DirecTV, UVerse and a bunch of different channels they could easily make it impossible or prohibitively expensive for other providers to have access to those channels. That would be called a trust or monopoly, which is illegal.
It seems pretty plain that if the same company owns DirecTV, UVerse and a bunch of different channels they could easily make it impossible or prohibitively expensive for other providers to have access to those channels. That would be called a trust or monopoly, which is illegal.
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