Attention Dish Retailers

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Attention Dish Retailers:

This morning I was faxed an email message from Dish Network which may effect your business. If you are a Dish Network Retailer I invite you to check out our sister site at and read for yourself whats going on behind the scenes.

For those who are members of DishRetailer.COM you can directly read this message by clicking on THIS LINK

How about creating a Dish Retailers only board so some us regular fanatics aren't tempted by the news and feel left out.

Probably not the thread to be asking this but are there in retailers in the Hartford, CT area who need an installer/employee? I'm a college student at CCSU and am looking for a part-time job with flexible hours.

811 and replay tv ?

What channels does 110 carry?

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