What channels does 110 carry?


Original poster
Mar 10, 2004
I am *so* bummed!

I have Dish 500 with a 301 receiver. I ordered the PPV event for the India-Pak cricket matches last night and they had me all setup but I woke up this morning and... NO CRICKET!

Called up Dish NW and they helped me find out that I have no signal for 110. They gave me two choices -- to try to adjust the Dish myself or schedule an appointment for someone to come a week later and cost me $99. Guess which one I chose. Unfortunately, re-adjusting the Dish did not do much for me (it was *bitter* cold outside) except losing the 119 signal.

So I moved it back to where it was and called it quits (except I can't go back to sleep). Now I am wondering two things: (1) what channels does 110 carry and (2) if I subscribe to those, will Dish NW send out a guy to fix my Dish FOC?

Thanks in advance.
110 carries the extra channels in AT180 that are not in AT120/AT60, it carries most PPV, all the sports packages (not the regional sports nets, but things like NBA/NHL), and the HDTV channels.

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