Echostar Problems Gain National Attention

Thats what I was wondering about when I read that. Someone is making a killing (Dish) with the extra charges for HD. How do they expect HD to get off the ground if they are charging a lot more than the extra cost? Maybe it costs more than that for the satellite receivers to do HD.
Stargazer said:
Thats what I was wondering about when I read that. Someone is making a killing (Dish) with the extra charges for HD. How do they expect HD to get off the ground if they are charging a lot more than the extra cost? Maybe it costs more than that for the satellite receivers to do HD.

Which receiver does it cost $25 more than to build? The $25 is probably correct, $25 will buy a lot of chips, bigger hard drive etc. What $25 doesn't cover is several years of design, some testing (I know, we are doing the testing), software etc. The high price of the 921 etc. includes the development costs, manufacturing tooling costs, manufacturing the unit, the parts for the unit, advertising, profit margin, warranty repairs, etc., divided by the number of units dish projects they will sell over the life of product.
Going by the prices, they don't expect to sell very many 921's, but the 811 is a different story.

What channels does 110 carry?

Did I miss news of Dish changing extended warranty program?

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