Tonight I was watching tv and at exactly 7pm eastern to the exact second my receiver popped up an error 122 internal smartcard communications error and said press select to reset your receiver, I did nothing and 15 seconds later it went away by itself and programming was back on.
Any one else see this tonight or previously?
I was watching a model 322 at the time and it happened on the tv1 and tv2 outputs because I went back to what I was recording and it was on both outputs being recorded, did not have time to check my other boxes which I wasn't recording from at the time.
Dish looking for a new way to alienate subs?
Any one else see this tonight or previously?
I was watching a model 322 at the time and it happened on the tv1 and tv2 outputs because I went back to what I was recording and it was on both outputs being recorded, did not have time to check my other boxes which I wasn't recording from at the time.
Dish looking for a new way to alienate subs?