Autopay causes "extra credit"


New Member
Original poster
Sep 27, 2003
A word of warning about the credit practices at Dish Network.

Short version. I have autopay, ordered a 6000 on 22 Sep, cancelled the order 24 Sep. The charge showed up on my credit card, the credit never did. I noticed they were subtracting my monthly fee from the credit "fund" they setup with the un-credited cost of the 6000. When I called and asked what had happened, I was told "Sir, we're not mind readers. If you wanted to have your money refunded, YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID SO."

I called they credit card company and they are going to look into Dish Network's "unusual practice." This amounts to an interest free loan to Dish Network.

Check your statements.
I have avoided autopay. I even paid the $24.95 for the Superdish to avoid it. There are too many surprises that can be sprung on you. They make mistakes on your bill and then you have to spend who knows how long to get them corrected.

I prefer to know what my bills are at all times. I don't like giving someone free reign with my finances.
I know of a lot of customers that are penny pinchers and they are still willing to pay the $25 to avoid autopay.
One other thing I discovered. If you send them a check BEFORE the payment date on your autopay, they accept the check and leave the credit card account alone.

This looks like a way to get the "benefit" of Autopay without them actually tapping into your credit card account.

They still do have your account number though, so as I said before -

Check your statements.

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