Just got my new ?? AZBox elite a couple days ago. Carefully hooked everything up, including the ethernet cable for updating the firmware.
When the unit booted and settings screen came up it was in Dutch, rather than English, which according to the PDF manual, English being the default language.
When inputting a static i.p. address for the AZBox to my Linksys router, found there was already data, including a users IP addresse already on this unit, leading me to believe this unit may have already been in use or was a return or something. Purchased it NEW from one of the larger ebay sellers.
Should a NEW unit have a users I.P. number in it already?
I did manage to get MY I.P.information into the AZBox...which DID connect to the internet and updated it's firmware following the prompts. Following that I was able to change the language to English, making the next steps much easier.
While adjusting other settings i.e. resolution, letterbox, etc. the unit went into wierd patterns on the TV, occasionally resetting itself, then only wavy vertical lines.
Forced a reboot by holding down the off button on the remote and now all the unit will do is go thru BOOTING/CHECKING/STARTING/LOADING and hangs indefinitely on LOADING. Have turned off the power switch, unpluged power cord.
Disconnected all other connections and no difference. Unit never gets past LOADING and nothing at all on the TV.
Unit dead? Or have I missed something obvious?
Have gone thru the manual and can find nothing
Appreciate any help or comments.
...had such high hopes for this box ....:rant:
When the unit booted and settings screen came up it was in Dutch, rather than English, which according to the PDF manual, English being the default language.
When inputting a static i.p. address for the AZBox to my Linksys router, found there was already data, including a users IP addresse already on this unit, leading me to believe this unit may have already been in use or was a return or something. Purchased it NEW from one of the larger ebay sellers.
Should a NEW unit have a users I.P. number in it already?
I did manage to get MY I.P.information into the AZBox...which DID connect to the internet and updated it's firmware following the prompts. Following that I was able to change the language to English, making the next steps much easier.
While adjusting other settings i.e. resolution, letterbox, etc. the unit went into wierd patterns on the TV, occasionally resetting itself, then only wavy vertical lines.
Forced a reboot by holding down the off button on the remote and now all the unit will do is go thru BOOTING/CHECKING/STARTING/LOADING and hangs indefinitely on LOADING. Have turned off the power switch, unpluged power cord.
Disconnected all other connections and no difference. Unit never gets past LOADING and nothing at all on the TV.
Unit dead? Or have I missed something obvious?
Have gone thru the manual and can find nothing
Appreciate any help or comments.
...had such high hopes for this box ....:rant: