BBMP not a good deal


SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Sep 30, 2006
Great High Plains
Well have been talking to my bro. He is about to drop BBMP. He says that it just isn't worth the money. He has had Blu Rays on his cue ever since it started. He hasn't gotten most of them. The price of stream is too high. Well looks like I'm not going to get it when I change packages.
I see your point; however, respectfully disagree. I have movies on long and short waits, but with a cue of 20, I always get a movie that my wife or I requested. I also had the old HD Platinum, so the Blockbuster discs are just an extra perk for me. I got to ask, what do you mean by the price of stream being too high? There is only two things I can see you meaning. 1.) Blockbuster @ Home streams on several receivers, but not the best functionality. 2.) If you mean the streaming for computer and Androids, that service was like that prior to Blockbuster being purchased by Dish and integrated into a Dish package. So, unfortunately that was an oversight on the consumers part if that was what you meant. In all, its a free country, so if you aren't happy, I can't blame you for not wanting the service.
I see your point; however, respectfully disagree. I have movies on long and short waits, but with a cue of 20, I always get a movie that my wife or I requested. I also had the old HD Platinum, so the Blockbuster discs are just an extra perk for me. I got to ask, what do you mean by the price of stream being too high? There is only two things I can see you meaning. 1.) Blockbuster @ Home streams on several receivers, but not the best functionality. 2.) If you mean the streaming for computer and Androids, that service was like that prior to Blockbuster being purchased by Dish and integrated into a Dish package. So, unfortunately that was an oversight on the consumers part if that was what you meant. In all, its a free country, so if you aren't happy, I can't blame you for not wanting the service.
My understanding is that he was talking about streaming to the DVR.
I'm with you Gary. I got Dish Platinum the day it became available. It is the same price now as it was the day I got it and now I get DVDs at home for free. I think it's a great deal! But I will never forget what a store manager once told me about complaining customers: "You can hand each and every customer a $100 bill as they walk in the door and some of them are bound to complain about it."
The channels that come with the package, plus the discs in the mail are totally worth it to me. Between the channels, the discs, and what is on my DVR, who has time to worry about the whole streaming thing, tho it's there if I want it...all for the same price I was paying before. Plus I went ahead and signed two people up thru ClubDish so I bumped up to the Three Disc deal still at no price increase for me.
I think the OP's "bro" is a little confused about the new release PPV movies and perhaps thinks they are a part of the BB streaming. If he is expecting to stream new release movies for free with the subscription that isn't happening anywhere, not even Netflix. Seems some people get very confused by what is part of the package and what is not, although with all the info on this forum it really shouldn't be that hard to understand how to access the free movies.

Netflix admittedly is a much better option if all one wants is a larger, free streaming selection, and better UI. However, Nexflix doesn't offer games, in-store exchange, and 20+ premium channels either. Personally, I have both since they both fit a different need.

I'd also like to add that I believe the title of this post (BBMP not a good deal) is very misleading. It is written as a statement of fact, not a question, yet the person making the post doesn't even have any experience with the product at all. If I were to make a new thread with every crazy comment some of my relatives make as a statement of guys would have me committed! :p
The Platinum channels alone are worth the $10.

That is what I originally thought. However after you have it for several months the Platinum channels are pretty worthless. They play the same old, same old, over and over and over again.
As far as streaming, Netflix is an easy winner at $8 a month. The Dish BlockBuster streaming interface is horrid and encourages non-use.
For me the platinum channels are worth it but I had BB before Dish took over and was getting 7-8 new release blurays a month (1 by mail + 1 in store per week). Now that's dropped to 3-4 a month if that. Right now, it's been 9 business days and nothing has shipped. If it wasn't for the platinum channels, I would cancel this now worthless disc service.

Suggestion: If they can't ship me a disc within 3 days, then send me an email coupon that I can take to my local store to get a disc in my hands.
That is what I originally thought. However after you have it for several months the Platinum channels are pretty worthless. They play the same old, same old, over and over and over again.
As far as streaming, Netflix is an easy winner at $8 a month. The Dish BlockBuster streaming interface is horrid and encourages non-use.
I still use Netflix Streaming, as well. Easily worth $8/mo.

But, I still think the Platinum channels are worth the $10, especially with the added disc-by-mail. (Actually, I pay an extra the $5 to have 2-discs-at-a-time.)

Then again, I'm getting BMP for free for the first 12 months, as I recently opened a new residential account. But, I plan on retaining it even after it goes back to $10.
That is what I originally thought. However after you have it for several months the Platinum channels are pretty worthless. They play the same old, same old, over and over and over again.
As far as streaming, Netflix is an easy winner at $8 a month. The Dish BlockBuster streaming interface is horrid and encourages non-use.

I would say the same about Netflix streaming. Once you've had it for several months it's the same old, especiallly the movie content. Decent variety of TV shows, but most of those that interest me I've already watched.

I dumped them when they separated the streaming and disc services, and haven't missed them at all.
I don't even have the ability to stream since I have the 922 but I still like BBMP. I get extra HD channels and I get video games in the mail for $10.

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