Be Proactive!


Bourbon Tester
Original poster
Supporting Founder
May 18, 2004
I'm Nationwide
I wasn't sure if this had been posted yet, but it needs to be.


Please write to the FCC, your local and state representatives asking them NOT TO SUPPORT this type of regulation.

Censorship has absolutely no place in pay-tv or pay-radio. Do not buy into the word “decency”; it means censorship!

This form of censorship barely has a place on free-tv; We can at least accept rules for daytime tv, but we must fight to stop the censorship of our “paid-for content”. Please copy & paste this and email to all your friends & relatives.


The U.S. Senate Commerce Committee chairman says pay-tv and satellite radio should be governed by the same indecency rules as free-tv broadcasters. Sen. Ted Stevens of AL, said Tuesday he will work to impose indecency regulations on cable and satellite channels, the Washington Post reports.

The subscription channels are filled with content and language that would result in fines by the Federal Communications Commission for traditional media. "We put restrictions on the over-the-air signals," Stevens said after an address to the National Association of Broadcasters. "I think we can put restrictions on pay-tv itself. At least I intend to do my best to push that."

The federal government has consistently resisted policing pay services since consumers pay for the content, but Stevens said he thinks the Supreme Court would uphold equal decency standards.

Yes it is Bullsh!t.

Every day we wake up and more and more of our rights are taken from us. I am getting tired of the government telling me what is good for me and my family.

Land of the free? That's a good one.
Much ado about nothing. Conservative Senator trying to make political points with his base by proposing crap that has no chance of ever becoming law. Liberal left will make big deal about it and spout even more overblown crap to score points with their political base and paint other side as bad guys. Typical Washington BS.

NightRyder is correct.
This is just politics.
Wind bags looking for press.
(and getting it)

will never go anywhere.
I don't think it will have legs either, but I surely don't want to assume that just to see it sneak past; best to let them know we are watching and listening to what they are doing.
charper1 said:
I don't think it will have legs either, but I surely don't want to assume that just to see it sneak past; best to let them know we are watching and listening to what they are doing.
Yup, the Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake fiasco at last years Super Bowl let um get their foot in the door... we need to slam it back on their foot and keep control of the Pay airwaves...
another creative money maker for government

It never ceases to amaze me at how our government creatively figures out more and more little ways to extort more money from companies and citezens.

Don't get me wrong I don't believe that everyone in our government is bad, but always remember what your grandmother always said "one bad apple can spoil the whole bag". There is always a handfull of them who want to censor all that we watch and see, and if you could get into their brains it may be scary at what else they would like to do to all of us. :shocked

If I remember correctly didn't hitler censor the media during the holocaust?
Does Vladimir Putin not censor his media in Russia?
Duhhhhhh!......So where is this censorship going...........away with our rights!

Check out this website, I don't necessarily believe every bit of this is true but they could be onto something WWW.INFOWARS.COM , WWW.PRISONPLANET.COM :eek:
I thought Republicans were about keeping the government OUT of our lives, not telling us what curse words or "indecency" we should or should not be paying for to watch in the privacy of our own homes. I mean, if you buy it, its your choice to watch it or let your children watch it. Don't get HBO if you don't like Deadwood or the Sopranos... no one is forcing this down your throats. Whatever happened to personal responsibility? Why does the government have to "protect our children" when it is the parents who should be doing that. Talk about an "ownership society." What has this great country come to!!!

Duluth, MN loses a news voice.

Satellites Directions?

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