Best way to set up an RV Dish antenna?


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Original poster
Aug 15, 2008
Is there a "normal" procedure for setting up a Dish antenna? I've got a Dish 500 Plus antenna on a tripod for my RV and a 500 receiver. I've set it up twice and have only been successful once. I leveled the tripod with a bubble, level, set the skew and azimuth per the tables and I use a peaking meter to get me on the satellite, lock it down and then go inside the RV and go to 611 on the menu to check the signals. The first time I did this, two weeks ago, both 110 and 119 came in strong, locked and away I went. But last night, I set it up to watch the Superbowl, but couldn't get two satellites. When I went to 611 and checked the levels, I had zero signal for 110 and a 50 on the 119. However, when I had 119 selected, it said it was Satellite 110 on the screen above the level indicator. I screwed around with the aiming for over an hour and could never get 110 and 119 together. I also ran the switch check and it too reported only one satellite. I finally gave up when it got to cold. What did I do wrong? Is there a trick to aiming? Oh, there weren't any trees in the view of the sky.


You might have been "one sat off. " I use the el cheapo meter and it doesn't give any way to tell which LNB is locked onto which sat. Cover one lnb with aluminum foil and get the correct sat on the correct lnb and then when you carefully remove the foil you should get the second sat. Just remember the left sat is picked up by the right lnb(standing behind the dish). 110 is the left most bird and 129 is the right most bird.

And don't feel bad I've been doing it for many years and still get completely flustered once in a while. It has taught me to get the setup done before the first adult beverage. Word to the wise.
Oh and yes once it's locked onto one bird when you re-aim to get two birds do a check switch.
You might have been "one sat off. " I use the el cheapo meter and it doesn't give any way to tell which LNB is locked onto which sat. Cover one lnb with aluminum foil and get the correct sat on the correct lnb and then when you carefully remove the foil you should get the second sat. Just remember the left sat is picked up by the right lnb(standing behind the dish). 110 is the left most bird and 129 is the right most bird.

And don't feel bad I've been doing it for many years and still get completely flustered once in a while. It has taught me to get the setup done before the first adult beverage. Word to the wise.

Sounds like my problem, with both the wrong sat and the adult beverage :p. Thanks for the advice, I'll remember to cover the right LNB with foil then see if I can get a lock on 119 with the left. Thanks for the tip.
Sounds like my problem, with both the wrong sat and the adult beverage :p. Thanks for the advice, I'll remember to cover the right LNB with foil then see if I can get a lock on 119 with the left. Thanks for the tip.
You got it. Now it must be 5:00 somewhere. Cheers!

What's with CH 9852-BOWL?

Need to confirm this LNB/Switch/Receiver setup will work

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