Big Joey announcement?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 20, 2006
Red Dwarf
Months back one of the Admins here (Scott I think) was talking about some big Joey news that was going to be released "soon". Did that ever happen?
Not trying to steal anyone's thunder, but I found this with a quick Google search of "new dish joey". The article is 3 months old.
Looks like 3 new models.

Not trying to steal anyone's thunder, but I found this with a quick Google search of "new dish joey". The article is 3 months old.
Looks like 3 new models.

If you look at the August post “New Dish Equipment” you will see a lot of speculation from the FCC filings about the new “Joey 4” but Dish has not released any information about the new equipment. Scott knows but is prevented from sharing due to his nondisclosure agreement. I was expecting the release prior to the Olympics since the existing Joey 4K could not handle the Olympic 4K HDR broadcast. But it did not happen. The latest thinking is that the release is “soon” since Dish has added it to the equipment list. But those of us that have been with Dish know what “soon” means.

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If you look at the August post “New Dish Equipment” you will see a lot of speculation from the FCC filings about the new “Joey 4” but Dish has not released any information about the new equipment. Scott knows but is prevented from sharing due to his nondisclosure agreement. I was expecting the release prior to the Olympics since the existing Joey 4K could not handle the Olympic 4K HDR broadcast. But it did not happen. The latest thinking is that the release is “soon” since Dish has added it to the equipment list. But those of us that have been with Dish know what “soon” means.

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I am curious what the Hopper+ is. It has a "Joey" like Smart Card #
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If I had to guess, 4K w/HDR is the new standard, so I am sure it will include that. Also, the current wireless joey is very dated looking, very slow and can't run some apps. It needs to be replaced.

Joey 4 will become the new standard, wired or wireless. The Joey 3 will be fine if you don't need 4K. Joey 1s, 2s and original Wi-Fi joeys should be replaced, they are all so slow.
Where did I say that?

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Not sure if that was aimed at my OP or not. If so, I don't remember exactly. I haven't visited here that much lately, but I remember a post about it, I think 2-4 months ago. Might not have been from you Scott.
If I had to guess, 4K w/HDR is the new standard, so I am sure it will include that. Also, the current wireless joey is very dated looking, very slow and can't run some apps. It needs to be replaced.

Joey 4 will become the new standard, wired or wireless. The Joey 3 will be fine if you don't need 4K. Joey 1s, 2s and original Wi-Fi joeys should be replaced, they are all so slow.
What about the Super Joey? :eeek
Perhaps the OP was referring to this post:
Joeys yes. New Hoppers no.

All’s I can say is stay tuned. It’s going to be a exciting time to be a dish customer. :)

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What we know about the Hopper Plus thus far from this and the regulatory documents linked in the Zatz post is that it won't be a new Hopper, but a "Whole Home DVR Accessory" and a "Hopper DVR Upgrade for Android UI" whereas the Joey 4 and Wireless Joey 4 are both referred to as "Android UI Client STB ".

Bluetooth Info: Launch Studio - Listing Details

FCC info:
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If I had to guess, 4K w/HDR is the new standard, so I am sure it will include that. Also, the current wireless joey is very dated looking, very slow and can't run some apps. It needs to be replaced.

Joey 4 will become the new standard, wired or wireless. The Joey 3 will be fine if you don't need 4K. Joey 1s, 2s and original Wi-Fi joeys should be replaced, they are all so slow.
Throw Super Joeys and Hopper 2000's on that scrap heap, too (please please please)
The speculation is that this forthcoming accessory related to the findings at the FCC will be rich with STREAMING capability (and likely a few other features) since it is supposed to feature the Android OS or, perhaps, Android TV, which can allow for custom UI such that it can appear like current Dish UI. I for one am hoping for multiple streaming capability since Dish keeps adding more and more streaming channels, but currently we seem to be limited to viewing ONE streaming channel per Hopper and Joey network. Maybe we will be allowed to RECORD the stream as a DVR recording--that would be GREAT because we can NOT do that today with our Hoppers. This would also allow Dish to be less dependent on satellites and their higher costs as compared to servers and the internet. Those are just speculations, so please don't take that as if I know more than I do. Only Scott knows what's a comin' :).
The speculation is that this forthcoming accessory related to the findings at the FCC will be rich with STREAMING capability (and likely a few other features) since it is supposed to feature the Android OS or, perhaps, Android TV, which can allow for custom UI such that it can appear like current Dish UI. I for one am hoping for multiple streaming capability since Dish keeps adding more and more streaming channels, but currently we seem to be limited to viewing ONE streaming channel per Hopper and Joey network. Maybe we will be allowed to RECORD the stream as a DVR recording--that would be GREAT because we can NOT do that today with our Hoppers. This would also allow Dish to be less dependent on satellites and their higher costs as compared to servers and the internet. Those are just speculations, so please don't take that as if I know more than I do. Only Scott knows what's a comin' :).
I wouldn't expect that you could record streams but I would surmise it's a platform that allows you to add your own streaming apps at will. That's strictly a guess - no insider information. But in light of Windows allowing sideloaded Android apps, my guess is that you can sideload your own apps a la Firestick, Roku, nVidia Sheild, etc. turning the Hopper into a streaming device.
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Got to be honest, over the years I have tested a lot of things and out of things tested some things made it to market while other things did not. I remember things like the Sling TV (a 19 inch TV that picked up the Sling feed from the Hopper 2), DISH DVD (A Dish receiver with a DVD player built into it), a Touch Pad remote, a touch screen remote, Sling Catcher and a few other things... all never made it to the market.

Now I am not saying that's what is happening here, but this project is still in the early stages of the game. I wouldn't expect to see it "soon."

I don't want to (and can't) give much away about the project, but I will say that NO COMPANY has ever made something like this before so there is a lot to it to get things to all work together. The software team is doing an amazing job and I am seeing new things being added and improved each week. I do think when it is done, this could be the most exciting way to watch TV.

So I would not expect it soon, but urge you to remember the old saying... Good things come to those who wait. :)

Just Canceled

Did Dish trash another one of my EHDs?

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