Buying 811, dish question


Original poster
Dec 2, 2003
I am helping a friend out who is going to buy an 811 for use with his new HD television. I see that the 811 has finally become available. He is a current subscriber though does not get HD content in his current package. We will be watching for packages that may be available for current subscribers, and the following question about the actual satellite dish is important.

The short version is, what dish does he need to get? Assume that his current one will not be used. He lives in the Los Angeles area and would like to receive the local channels. I saw in another link that the 5 LA locals are on the satellite at 119. I also saw that the 4 HD channels offered in the HD package are on the 110 bird. So it looks like he needs to "see" both of those satellites at a minimum. Which dish does this?

Also, he is a big movie watcher, and might want to eventually get the HBO or Showtime HD channels too. I see that these are on the 105 satellite. Would this then require getting the Superdish that I have been reading about?

We would like to get this over and done with, and not have to re-do it again if possible. A single dish solution would be the optimum as he has a tenuous roof mount and the less hardware the better.

Any help is appreciated, and if anyone can point me to another thread where this has been discussed that would be great too. There must be a FAQ along these lines.

His LA locals are on both 119 and 148. I am assuming he doesnt have Dish 500 right now. If he doesnt have Dish500, you would have to replace the existing dish with a Dish500 to see both 119 & 110 (HD and some other channels are on 110). Since he has locals on a "wing" satellite (148), he would call Dish and they will come out and give him all the hardware needed to receive those channels FREE OF CHARGE (including installing the dish). There are a couple of HD on the wing satellite (HBO). If he upgrades to Dish500 & a wing dish, he would be all set for HD (right now...who knows what will happen after that) :)

new customer ?

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