Listen to this one.


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 15, 2003
I called to get my local (Columbus, Ohio) they day that they were offered and I was given a 12/1 superdish install date. Then last Wednesday night a person called an said that they would not be able to do it until the 12/18. For my inconvienous they gave me a month of free programming.

Well last night (12/1) I was sitting at the local watering hole having a brew with my buddies and my daughter calls. "The Guy is here to install the dish", so I pried my beer out of my hand and rushed home. My dish 500 is a side of house mount and the installer said he could not do that but there was a place in my yard, acceptable to me to install a pole, but by this time is was 6pm and totally dark he calls to get a new install date an it was Janurary 16th and they did not have me down for the 12/18. He said he was going to try and working me in sooner.

And by the way the installer told me all HD is going on 105-I told him he need to read this forum.
Pole Mount

Trust me you don't want a superdish mounted on your house unless during the next wind you want an extra window hole in your house

them are kites ! the catch major wind trust this kansas installer!

Hi jlhugh

Could you please change your Avtar, it is difficult to browse this site in front of the family.

Anonymous said:
Hi jlhugh

Could you please change your Avtar, it is difficult to browse this site in front of the family.


No kidding. I was thinking the same thing.
I try to check the forums from work,
and the last thing I need is my female boss
coming up over my shoulder with that icon
on the screen.

Buying 811, dish question

E* HD pack manditory with 811?

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