Bye, Bye Dish

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
May 4, 2004
Just dropped Dish to Voom. Got tired of hearing the same "never ending" story about getting more HD content. I decided to keep HD pack because of HDNet but if Voom gets it I'll drop that too.

Voom offers even more SD content than AT120 for less money. Working fine, so far. The only thing is no locals which I'm getting OTA anyway.
so lets see...

you say "bye bye dish", yet you say this

Conjuror said:
I decided to keep HD pack because of HDNet but if Voom gets it I'll drop that too.

so technically you didnt leave Dish yet??

It would be like me saying "Bye Bye Dish...went to ExpressVu. I did keep my locals because I can't get them OTA"

you are contradicting yourself!!! :D:D
Actually, to really leave Dish, one must abandon the Dish forums too. Gotta make a clean break.

Conjuror said:
Just dropped Dish to Voom. Got tired of hearing the same "never ending" story about getting more HD content. I decided to keep HD pack because of HDNet but if Voom gets it I'll drop that too.

Voom offers even more SD content than AT120 for less money. Working fine, so far. The only thing is no locals which I'm getting OTA anyway.

So, you just are fed up with Dish..heh? I'm sure moving to Voom will give you the comfort you are looking for (hee..hee :rolleyes: ). Question is, if Voom was the better choice, the leader in High Definition, why don't they have the HDNET channels NOW?
Well, I guess then you would say that Dish is HD leader because it has HDNet and 5-6 other HD channels? I guess then it doesn't matter that Voom offers 30+ HD channels plus pretty much everything in SD what Dish and DirecTV have?
If you really wanna know, I didn't switch just because Voom offers more HD channels than any other DBS. Most of them I won't watch anyway. What I really don't like with Dish and DirecTV is their anti-customer oriented package choices so you have to pay for tens of channels you never watch in order to get one you like. For example, I had to pay for AT120 + HBO just because I watch Sopranos and Speed. Another thing is sloooooow moving toward HD world while developing very high end SD receivers and making 811 which needs to be rebooted on a daily basis.
Still, the main reason I prefer Voom is their true HD commitment which will eventually bring them all top rated HD channels. Got tired of Charlie's empty talks.
It's true that Chuck Ergen is a neverending fountain of Bullsh!t.

That reference regarding HDNET is ignorant. Just because Voom doesn't have HDNET makes Dish the HD Leader? Do you go indoors/under solid object when it rains?

As far as ditching E* or D*, there is great SD content on Voom currently...roughly equal to most Expanded Basic and limited digital offerings on cable. Some folks may prefer a larger SD lineup for the time being. Personally I'm holding on to D* until Voom introduces the Motorola DVR.
For example, I had to pay for AT120 + HBO just because I watch Sopranos and Speed.

Who sold you the dish? DNSC or a retailer? How did you sign up for a package? Dish, retailer, contractor/sub-contractor? You don't need 120 + HBO. Go for 60. Really though it's only a $10 difference between 60 and 120 anyway.

Another thing is sloooooow moving toward HD world while developing very high end SD receivers and making 811 which needs to be rebooted on a daily basis.

You got a bad receiver. I've run into this in area where there is no DNSC yet. All or most of the work is done by sub-contractors. In KC we're phasing out subs. The problem you're descibing sounds like you got a bad reciever. You either got one when they first came out, one from a bad batch or one a sub dropped. I've seen it happen, their handling of these things sucks. What do they care. We get stuck with most of their trouble calls anyway.

VOOM sucks. From the installs I've seen they aim at 61.5 and that's a freaking international satellite! Dish Network's HD channels are now on 119 and 110. Some channels will start going to 105 (inluding internationals). The reason we don't see more HD programming is that there aren't a lot of providers (VOOM has channels that are only on VOOM and they suck, they're filler). Another reason is space. The satellites can only hold so much. Due FCC regs we have to lease out time/space/programming off the Echostar sats to our competitors to avoid monopolies. HD takes up a lot of space combine that with DirectTV and others and it fills up quick. I don't see VOOM taking off too much. DirectTV is suffering (I've talk to their employees_ and there are just to many problems with line of sight for the sats VOOM points at.

I'm not trying to offer you a sales pith just helping you get your facts straight.
El_Cu_Guy said:
Who sold you the dish? DNSC or a retailer? How did you sign up for a package? Dish, retailer, contractor/sub-contractor? You don't need 120 + HBO. Go for 60. Really though it's only a $10 difference between 60 and 120 anyway.

um, el cu guy....for him to see Speed, he needs the 120 package. Speed isnt on 60.
El_Cu_Guy said:
VOOM sucks. From the installs I've seen they aim at 61.5 and that's a freaking international satellite!

Rainbow 1 is Voom's own satellite which is positioned (roughly) at 61.5 degrees, near Echostar's bird. A hundredth of a degree could mean miles at that altitude. Plenty of space.
I say...

cameron119 said:
It's true that Chuck Ergen is a neverending fountain of Bullsh!t.

That reference regarding HDNET is ignorant. Just because Voom doesn't have HDNET makes Dish the HD Leader? Do you go indoors/under solid object when it rains?

As far as ditching E* or D*, there is great SD content on Voom currently...roughly equal to most Expanded Basic and limited digital offerings on cable. Some folks may prefer a larger SD lineup for the time being. Personally I'm holding on to D* until Voom introduces the Motorola DVR.

cameron119, you really need to shut-up. Why are you in the Dish forums anyway? Need a life maybe?
GaryPen said:
Nothing Cameron said was incorrect. That El Cu guy was pretty wrong, though. Why not get on his case, instead?

I stand behind my previous comments and what El Cu guy stated.
GaryPen said:
But Cameron was correct, and El Cu was incorrect. That doesn't make sense. That would make you incorrect, as well.

That is your opinion, GaryPen. I have noticed that you are turning very "anti-E*" these days. Is that true?
Rainbow 1 is Voom's own satellite which is positioned (roughly) at 61.5 degrees, near Echostar's bird. A hundredth of a degree could mean miles at that altitude. Plenty of space.

I've sight the dish with an inclinometer. We don't have all the specs for all competitors inluding the exact sats they're pointing at. Just saw one at a Sears while doing a trouble call.
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would this work for a temp dp+44 switch?

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