Calling Dish for Cinemax HD


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 4, 2006
Are people calling Dish requesting Cinemax HD?

I have been calling and requested the channel. They keep telling me that the request will be passed to the programing department.

Is calling worth it? Are other people calling requesting the channel?
Lots of people are requesting it. :)

I am going to email Eric Sahl and ask him if there is a general programming email box for members to us.
I emailed is the response....

Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, DISH Network does not offer Cinemax HD at this time. I also do not have any information regarding the addition of this channel to our programming line up. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused.

If you have any other questions please let me know.


Eric VanLaethem

Executive Communications
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Spam attack time?

I emailed is the response....

Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, DISH Network does not offer Cinemax HD at this time. I also do not have any information regarding the addition of this channel to our programming line up. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused.

If you have any other questions please let me know.


Eric VanLaethem

Executive Communications

Maybe it's time for dish net to get spammed? A heavy email campaign maybe will make them think about adding Max HD. :eek: :) I can't believe I just said that. :rolleyes:
Maybe it's time for dish net to get spammed? A heavy email campaign maybe will make them think about adding Max HD. :eek: :) I can't believe I just said that. :rolleyes:


Heres a thought, maybe Dish or Time Warner Postponed the Cinemax preview until Dish Adds Cinemax HD so current HD subs could get Cinemax HD during the Free preview.

Of course, even if we organized a coordinated effort, it would not get it in time for the Star Wars HD marathon on November. :(

But it never hurts to email them to ask. The more people asking, the more pressure they will feel.

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